Building an Email List for Beginners Part 5: 6 Steps to Use Twitter to Build Your Email List

Twitter is a great tool for building your email list.

However, you must be very smart in how you approach your “Tweeps” with any marketing effort. Twitter is a very social medium and most people will not tolerate being marketed directly to them.

They want information and entertainment.

Here are 6 steps to set up your Twitter account to create a list.

This method takes some time to be effective, but it is worth it.

  • Step 1 – Choose your niche. If you have found a good “keyword loaded domain” name for your website, you should create your new Twitter account with the focus on that name / niche. For example, if you are in the gardening niche and your domain was gardeningsecrets[dot]com, then a good Twitter identifier would be “gardeningsecret” considering that the maximum length allowed for a username is 15 characters. You can also use gardeningpro. You get the idea.
  • Step 2 – Create your new Twitter account and follow 2 to 5 people. I usually follow guys on Twitter. It doesn’t matter who you follow. Be sure to write your description to include your keywords and how you would like to help people garden or whatever. Put the URL of your new domain as a link to your site. Tip: This helps with indexing to Google if your domain is new.
  • Step 3 – Next, go to and create a new account. This site will allow you to automatically post tweets from RSS feeds. Go to bitly and create an account. This is a URL shortening service. You will have to read a bit about how to integrate bitly with twitterfeed. To automatically follow people who follow you, set up an account at
  • Step 4 – This is the time-consuming part of setting up your Twitter list building system. Search the internet for the best blogs in your niche with the best content you can find. Don’t use dusty old car blogs or blogs that the owner rarely uses. You’re looking to find 15-50 really good blogs to tweet when owners post new content. You don’t want to post more than one tweet from a blog every 24 hours. When you’ve got all of this set up, and you’re in a decent niche, you should have 500-1000 followers within 30-60 days or so. Maybe more!
  • Step 5 – Set up your site using some kind of blogging software. I recommend WordPress. It is free and easy to use. There are plugins that will allow you to quickly insert your subscription box on your blog. There are free attractive themes on the Internet. Create really good content and post it once every 3-5 days to your blog for a month while collecting followers. You should not reuse the content of your articles that you have submitted to an article directory, unless you completely rewrite them as new content.
  • Step 6 – Now that you have a decent number of followers, start tweeting your posts. I recommend that each post be tweeted twice, once in the morning and then right after dinner time when people are on their computers. The next day, tweet your next post.

When you have good content and you occasionally tweet something about yourself, people will get to know you and ultimately trust you.

The whole system will basically run on autopilot when it’s complete! When they visit your site to gobble up your content, many will sign up for your list!

This is time consuming, but you can easily use Twitter to build your email list.

Click the link below for more information to help you build your list quickly.

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