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Can AC service improve indoor air quality?

AC service improve indoor air quality

Air quality is a major concern for homeowners. Airborne pollutants like dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores can trigger allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Fortunately, AC maintenance helps to improve indoor air quality by reducing the concentration of these pollutants and contaminants.

The primary goal of ac service near me is to clean the system and prevent clogs. To achieve this, the service technician inspects the evaporator coils and drain pans for mold growth, and they clean and replace the filter. The service technician also checks the air conditioner refrigerant pressures and adjusts them as needed. Additionally, the service technician lubricates all moving parts in the AC unit to ensure they operate smoothly and efficiently.

Air conditioning systems are designed to circulate fresh, cool air through the home. However, if the air filter is not regularly changed or cleaned, it becomes saturated with dirt, which impedes the flow of air through the system and home. This causes the air conditioner to work harder, consuming more energy and wearing down the system sooner.

Can AC service improve indoor air quality?

As a result, it is important to regularly check and change your air filters – especially if you have allergy or asthma symptoms. Air filters with a high MERV rating (MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Report Value) are best, as they trap allergens and other particles before they circulate throughout the home.

Other household appliances also need to have their air filters regularly checked and cleaned, including vacuum cleaners, clothes dryers, and kitchen vents. It is recommended that you have these filters replaced at least once per month to maintain proper air flow and reduce the amount of dust and toxins in your home environment. Another common cause of poor air quality is excessive moisture. Moisture creates an ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew, which are another common cause of respiratory problems. AC repair technicians can evaluate the humidity control settings in your house, and if necessary, recommend dehumidifiers to help minimize excess moisture.

Indoor air pollution can be caused by many different sources, and it can be difficult to eliminate. However, a combination of regular maintenance services, advanced home filtration options, and general cleanliness practices can significantly improve indoor air quality and protect your health.

An additional way that AC repair can improve your indoor air quality is by adding whole-home filtration systems. These smart technologies connect directly to the HVAC system and actively clean the air in your home by removing a wide range of airborne pollutants. In addition, professional services often include air quality testing and analysis to pinpoint areas where pollutants may exist so that specific steps can be taken to remove them from the home. This can dramatically improve IAQ and reduce the impact of allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.


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