Making a woman laugh turns her on like crazy: the secret to making women laugh

The truth is that if you make a woman laugh, she will want to sleep with you. It sounds crazy, but it really works. In this article, we’ll see why this works and how you can use it to your advantage when approaching girls. Understanding why it works will make you want to improve your comedy skills!

There are two main reasons why comedy is such a strong aphrodisiac for women. One of these reasons may be stronger in some women, while the other reason may be stronger in your mind. Either way, laughter is deadly sexy when it comes to putting women to bed. It is part science and part evolution. And they cannot resist it. It doesn’t matter what you look like. Making girls laugh will win them over all the time.

The first reason women are turned on by laughter is that it stimulates a part of their brain that allows them to relax and have fun. Women are often defensive when talking to men. And it makes sense why. They’re so used to every idiot and their brother hitting her. This raises your defenses and makes sure you are on your guard.

But laughing with a guy tells your brain to be more comfortable with him. It puts her in an area where her defenses are not as high as usual. It also releases endorphins, the feel-good chemical in your brain, which in turn allows you to get to the arousal stage more quickly. What does it mean to you? Making her laugh is the fastest way to get her to go home with you. As an average 5’6 “man who has slept with many, many women, I can testify that the women were totally turned on by my sense of humor. It also shows wit and intelligence.

The other reason laughter turns women on so much has to do with evolution. Women know they want great sex with a man, but what comes after that? In fact, they fear for the moment after sex when they are most open to communicating, because they are not sure they can carry on a conversation. Making them laugh reassures them in the knowledge that after sex is over, both of you will be able to joke around and continue the good time and positive feelings.

Gentlemen, it’s time to work on your sense of humor and comedy pacing. Take some comedies, watch some stand-up routines, anything you can to make a girl laugh. Laughter is the ultimate aphrodisiac for women!

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