The history of scalp massage

Scalp massage is an Indian treatment as old as the mountains. It is so old and its results so positive that it has been exalted to the status of tradition in most homes. Still performed weekly, it is part of many sacred rituals and the way a holiday is started in almost every home on the subcontinent.

This massage has been proven to be good for improving blood circulation and relieving stress in adults, while allowing concentration and improving memory power in school-age children. It is also especially recommended for hair growth in the case of cancer patients.

In the first text on Ayurveda written over 2,000 years ago, the Ayurvedic physician Charaka wrote: “He who regularly applies oil to his head does not suffer from headaches, baldness, gray hair or hair loss. Head strength and his forehead is especially enhanced; his hair becomes black, long and deep-rooted; his sense organs function properly; the skin on his face brightens; the application of oil to the head produces deep sleep and happiness.”

Scalp massage has been a part of Indian culture since ancient times. There has been much research regarding the history of this treatment. As well as being a historical part of Indian culture, it has also become a staple throughout the world. Not too long ago, it was adopted as part of a luxurious hair treatment in salons and spas throughout the United States, as well as in most other countries.

In ancient times, Indian mothers performed weekly scalp massages for their children and other family members. The belief was that this practice could help improve memory and concentration, which, in turn, could make a child more productive at school and at home. Indian mothers often strategically performed this treatment every Sunday, hoping that their children would be able to concentrate better on their studies during the upcoming school week. The improvement of memory power was one of the most important and obvious reasons for Indian mothers to engage in this weekly routine.

In more recent times, new benefits of scalp massage have been discovered. In addition to hopes of improving memory, theories of benefits for general health and well-being have emerged. These medical benefits include reliving migraines, sleep disorders, stress, and stress-related symptoms. While not fully proven to be true for everyone, some cancer patients and medical professionals believe that scalp massage helps regrow hair after chemotherapy-related hair loss.

Barbers, hair care professionals and salons around the world also believe that scalp massage has its benefits. They believe that by offering these relaxing and pleasurable massages to clients, their clients’ hair will be more nourished and conditioned. Like some medical professionals, hair care professionals also believe that scalp massages can stimulate hair growth. Most people will admit that a scalp massage is their favorite part of the hair treatment as they find it relaxing, soothing and calming. Regardless of your belief in the ancient theories behind scalp massage, it can still be a good practice to employ, if only to de-stress after a hard day’s work!

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