Why did politicians lose our FAITH?

Many feel that we are currently going through at least a period where there seems to be the greatest division and polarization in recent memory! While some extremists may enjoy their power and influence, hopefully short-lived, we should expect that there will somehow be some semblance of common sense and less partisan behavior, often divisive and unhelpful. the greater good, and more focus on striving and achieving a meeting of the minds, for the greater good! For this nation to succeed, a bipartisan approach, in which we elect our top political/public leaders/officials, based on their priorities, serving and representing everyone, rather than just a select few. We have been witnesses, continuously, of the loss, of the public FAITH, in our system, and these people, and, we need and deserve better! With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. facts; future; Justice; furnish; fruition; destiny: The fate of this nation and the planet may depend, in large measure, on whether we restore public trust and confidence! The public needs and deserves to know and understand the facts and the significant difference between them and an individual’s opinions, political turns, etc.! We need equity, as a key, in our ways and actions! Before it’s too late, we must begin by choosing people who are ready, willing, and able to provide the most responsible and responsive leadership, and see it through!

two. Attitude; fitness; attention; stocks; aspirations: We need people, with a genuine, positive, can-do attitude, much less, negativismand populism, as well as a well-developed, relevant set of skills and abilities, and are willing to pay close attention to options and alternatives, and proceed, with actions, that enhance our aspirations and hopes, rather than our fears and biases/prejudices!

3. Inspired; integrity; improvements; perspectives: How many elected officials do you think actually proceeded with genuine and absolute integrity, rather than their own personal/political agenda and self-interest? We need consistent, well-considered, actionable improvements and solutions that inspire our citizens to make this nation and the world better! Wouldn’t it be better if these officials possessed the knowledge to see the big picture?

Four. trust/ truth; together; prompt; time tested: Why should the public trust someone who is not telling the truth? We need people who prioritize, who bring us together, for the greater good, using common sense, in a timely and well-considered manner, and leveraging the smartest, most relevant, sustainable and proven knowledge, experience, expertise and experience in the time. insight and hopefully wisdom!

5. Human; cicatrization; heart head: Shouldn’t it be a requirement, of public conduct, to proceed, in a humane, healing way? To accomplish this requires aligning one’s logical and emotional components, in a head/heart balance!

Wake up, America, and demand that those we elect, to serve and represent us, and all of our Constitutional guarantees, do so, consistently? If you want to get our FAITH, this must become a requirement and a necessity!

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