2021: I’m with you

In the midst of this global turmoil we will continue to experience your peace and blessings. God is with you and he will make that very clear to you and those around you this year. He will manifest as never before. He will prove to be strong and powerful on your behalf. You won’t fight to prove it again. He will prove that he is still your God and that he has not abandoned you after all. The doors that have been closed against you will now open. I hope you heard that very well? Mark it. Write it. New grace, new abilities, new opportunities are emerging from this situation. Aren’t you seeing them already? They will beg you to receive the blessings. I am seeing mine. I am seeing things I have not experienced before of new doors, new anointing, new breakthrough, ‘waters coming out of dry land’ etc. The things that have been working against you will now begin to work for you. That ‘thorn in your flesh’ will be removed. Yes, he will do it. Those who doubted or mocked you will come to praise God with you. Those who mistreated you will be quick to apologize. Those who have been fighting and working against you will either come to make amends or fall to you for the level of glory and power that is about to be unleashed upon you. He will let the world know your relationship with him through the manifestation of him. But why is all this happening? Just to put your mind at ease and also show the world that he’s still with you. Just be prepared!

You know the story of Jacob. He had so many problems and fear when God gave him that enormous divine security at Bethel. Yes, there is nothing more reassuring than knowing about him. He gives strength and peace in the midst of the test, like the one the world is going through now. He gives hope and courage in the midst of life’s battles. The world needs urgent healing right now. Nations, people, companies urgently need God’s touch, love and miracles to get out of this. TRUE. Jacob was there: frustrated, scared, traumatized, repentant, tired, discouraged, depressed, alone, and confused when the Lord met him and spoke those powerful words to him. He was running from his enraged and deceived older brother, whom he just stole his birth. And what’s worse, he didn’t know exactly the path he was running towards. My God! But since he was overloaded with all these worries and uncertainties, he called on God. And as he fell asleep frustrated, using stone, (hard stone) as a pillow, the almighty spoke “…I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this earth. I will not leave you until there is finished giving you everything I promised you.” Genesis 28:15. Jesus! Sure, this is one of the greatest promises I have found in the Bible. Every time I read this I feel revitalized to move forward in life and in faith. It gave me the ‘guidance’ needed to find my way as I grew up. It has been one of my ‘flag verses’ over the years. I am not surprised that God is speaking to me again through this time. Jacob needed him so badly to keep going. And we also need it now. Now yes. As you read this, God is telling you that he will be with you during and beyond this global chaos. He is with you. He will protect, preserve and provide for you until ALL of his promises for your life are fulfilled!

Also look at what happened in Egypt during the plagues. None of the destruction, none of the hail, and no disease affected the Israelites in Goshen. They found out, they saw the Egyptians suffer, but it did not reach their camp. Wow! That is the power of divine protection and preservation. Remember that he said that none of these diseases and destructions will touch us! From the first plague to the last in Egypt, none affected the Israelites. They were divinely immune and protected. In fact, on Passover night, while all the families of men and animals in Egypt were weeping and mourning the death of their firstborn, the Bible says that not a dog barked was heard in all of Goshen where the Israelites lived. Force! That is the God we serve. Now, while the world is struggling and groaning, God is also releasing unprecedented grace to his people and his church. He through us he will bring healing, peace and hope to the world. Jesus Christ remains the only hope for the world. Look at Exodus 12:13, “But the blood on the lintels of your doors will serve as a sign for you, marking the houses where you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I smite the land of Egypt”. My God! Yeah, he can’t touch us. we are covered We are sure to prosper and flourish in the midst of this crisis. You already know that Jesus is that lamb that was sacrificed for us. Run to him today, immediately for your protection and preservation. We will continue. Share this message with everyone. Happy new year!

Gabriel is the author of the books/audiobooks: The Power of the Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Reclaiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Will Not Die, Move On and many others https://www.scribd .com /author/492213355/Gabriel-Agbo

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