3 foolproof ways to arouse a woman in seconds: make her beg you to jump on the bed

Do you know that maternal words can turn a woman on in seconds? Yes, that’s true, you don’t even have to physically touch her. You see the same thing happens with men; you don’t need physical contact every time to get an erection, sometimes you just have a thought in your brain and that can give you an erection instantly and this is the formula you can use to turn on any girl in seconds. Read on to find out how you can do it too and achieve impressive results with it…

Ask her what she likes in bed. This would make her think and imagine what she really likes and somehow make her one too. You see, when you ask her a question about her likes and dislikes in bed, she instantly starts imagining things and these images alone can turn her on in seconds. Therefore, she learns to ask him a lot of questions about what she really enjoys in bed.

Ask her what she fantasizes about – every girl seems to have her own fantasy and to really get her going, you need to ask her what is the wildest thing she would like to do in bed. You see, when you ask a question like this, she gets the idea that you might be willing to give her what she wants and at the same time, she starts to get turned on as she talks to you about her wildest fantasy of hers.

Have her imagine you and her having sex. In a humorous way, ask her what she would do to you if she had sex with you right now. How would she act and how would she react? What would be her first move, etc. You see this way you get her to actually imagine you with her in her bed doing things and this would really get her going in seconds.

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