5 Common Causes of Nausea

You may have experienced a irritable feeling in your stomach that is often accompanied by the urge to vomit, and you may have wondered what causes it. Well, that feeling is nauseating, it’s a widespread experience that can occur from time to time among children and adults. It’s time to find out why you’re nauseated. Below are the most common causes of nausea.


Anxiety is a common symptom of nausea and it causes the body to work abnormally, leading to some stomach problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. Worry causes stress and fear, which leads to an additional release of adrenaline. The extra adrenaline creates an imbalance in your digestive system; In this case, the nausea is temporary. To handle it you need to relax your mind.

Eat excessively

Overeating causes vomiting because our bodies cannot digest the extra food. Nausea from overeating can occur in anyone, especially those with a weak digestive tract or people who have recently had surgery, which reduces the functional ability of their digestive system. To prevent nausea from overeating, you should eat slowly until your body tells you it’s full and avoid lying down immediately after meals.

The pregnancy

It is very common to experience nausea and vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy. For the most part, it can occur at any time of the day or night, especially in the morning. Conversely, some women may feel nauseated throughout the day. The causes of nausea in pregnancy are not known, but several studies show that it is the sudden increase in hormone production in the body. In some cases, eating specific foods and not eating enough can also cause nausea. Sometimes even the smell of some foods can trigger nausea.

Dealing with nausea during pregnancy can be challenging, but here are some of the things you should do to control it:

  • Avoid foods and odors that have been proven to cause nausea.

  • Drink plenty of water frequently to stay hydrated

  • eat in moderation

poisoned food

Eating contaminated food or food that has gone bad causes food poisoning. Symptoms start a few hours after eating contaminated food. Causes severe dehydration resulting in nausea. To manage nausea caused by food poisoning, it is essential to:

  • Drink lots of water and electrolytes.

  • Avoid drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine.

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Symptoms of a hangover include headache, nausea, and feeling dehydrated. In most cases, you will have a hard time concentrating and feel irritable all the time. In this case, you can prevent nausea by avoiding alcohol or drinking responsibly.


Now you not only know the most common causes of nausea but also how to treat or avoid them. Next time, take appropriate precautions whenever possible to prevent nausea because prevention is better than cure.

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