5 educational toys and games that are sure to get your toddlers learning while they play

Playtime is very important to a child. That is why parents make sure to buy their children toys that they can play with. At the same time, they also want their child to learn while playing, so they look for educational toys.

The toddler stage is a crucial part of a child’s development. At this stage, he learns a lot about social roles and develops his motor skills. He becomes aware of the people around him, in addition to his mom and dad. Also, this is the time when he begins to walk, explore and become aware of things around him.

A child will reach developmental milestones during this stage. This fact is something important to keep in mind when choosing a toy for our baby. Therefore, it is better if we give them something that promotes the skills that they will acquire during their early years. Let’s take a look at five educational toys and games that are sure to get your toddlers learning while they play.

#1: Baby Books

The development of love for books can be developed from one year of age. In fact, some parents start reading books to their baby even though she’s still inside mom’s tummy.

Colorful books like Baby Einstein Animal Melodies are sure to capture our toddler’s attention. It contains bright colors and designs, as well as classical music that will help them relax. This book will develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in your child. He’ll be excited to press the buttons on these books, as each Baby Einstein character button plays a song!

#2: Baby DVDs and CDs

If your child doesn’t have a playmate at home, it will help if we buy Baby DVDs and CDs for them. During their early years, children are realizing who they are and what they have. Buying these media aids will help them become aware of their body parts and communication.

DVDs and CDs with nursery rhymes and songs will introduce your child to different rhythms and melodies. These will also help facilitate our child’s language development.

#3: Baby Toys

Toys like the shape sorter will develop the child’s matching ability. A good option for these types of toys is the Baby Einstein shape sorter. This colorful box contains nine shaped board books that will help your child learn about the different basic shapes. They will sort and match each book with the slots cut into the box in the same way.

There are also toys that can serve as a teether. An example of this is the Discover & Play – Numbers teething book. It is a soft cloth book that will familiarize our little ones with the idea of ​​counting, numbers and language. A soft, durable, non-toxic material that contains colorful, real-world images written in English, Spanish, and French. This toy will easily become one of our child’s favorite companions.

#4: Wooden Puzzles

Wooden puzzles are also on the list. The Melissa & Doug Fish Bowl Jumbo Knob features easy-grip knobs for little hands and pictures under each chunky piece that will develop matching skills. This toy will also introduce our toddlers to sea creatures like fish, crabs, and turtles.

#5: Wooden Toys

Attractive toys that are sure to catch our child’s attention are wooden toys like bead mazes, push animals, stacker. The Guidecraft 1 to 5 Counter is a good buy because of its colored rings that will facilitate your child’s ability to sort things of the same color.

During the first years of our son’s life, his desire to explore new objects and new people increases. He will be able to recognize familiar faces and objects, so it is important for parents to choose the toys their children will play with. They can choose from a variety of educational toys that can be classified as baby books, baby DVDs and VCDs, baby toys made of soft, non-toxic materials, and wooden toys and puzzles. Watching them learn while playing with these toys will be an enjoyable experience for all moms and dads.

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