5 golden rules for writing the best headlines

When writing copy of any kind, the most important thing for a writer to do is to write striking, attention-grabbing headlines. This is the first thing the reader will see. If you bore them, they will leave! As a network marketer, that is NOT what will allow you to take home the bacon.

In the interest of helping my fellow marketers become better headline writers, I’m going to share with you the five most essential elements for writing powerful and effective headlines. Or what I consider the “Golden Rules”.

So, in no particular order, let’s get started.

Golden rule #1 for writing the best headlines: Make them conversational headlines.

By making them conversational, they will be more engaging to the reader. This should be the goal of all your writing, but especially your headlines. By writing how people talk, you’ll get them instantly engaged.

Golden rule #2 for writing the best headlines: Get into the conversation that is already going on in the reader’s thoughts.

This tip was originally introduced by copywriting genius Robert Collier and has stood the test of time. This could very well be the most important thing to remember when writing headlines, so use it often.

Golden rule #3 for writing the best headlines: Understand that the main motivation of the headline is to get the reader to read the next line.

Create a sense of mystery and intrigue that will keep your reader wanting more. Make them feel like they have no choice but to go through with it to the end.

Golden rule #4 for writing the best headlines: Ask the reader an intriguing question.

This is a fantastic way to engage your reader. Keep your question open ended and include a benefit. Don’t ask questions that can be easily answered, because your reader will probably lose interest right away.
And finally,

Golden rule #5 for writing the best headlines: Dramatize the benefits of your product or service.

People crave action, so show them the euphoria your product or service can bring them.

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