5 Steps to Speed ​​Up Your Recovery from Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgeries can do wonders for people who are not happy with their current appearance and overall appearance. Cosmetic surgeries are safe, reliable and one of the best options to look beautiful for a long time.

Cosmetic surgeries have different recovery time periods. However, many patients want to speed up their recovery time so that they can return to their normal lifestyle as soon as possible.

Here are 5 tips that can help patients speed up their recovery period.

1. There’s no need to push through the pain

If you are experiencing pain after surgery, it is imperative that you take the medications prescribed by your surgeon. Many patients will unnecessarily try to be “tough” and go through the pain, but it is imperative to manage pain by taking precautions and not giving it a chance to severely affect it.

Remember, blood pressure can rise due to extreme pain, and sometimes this can lead to more bruising, postponing recovery time. Also, it is crucial to stay away from over-the-counter medications. See your surgeon immediately if you experience extreme pain after surgery.

2. Move on

Be sure to get plenty of rest for the first two to three days after surgery. However, that doesn’t mean you have to constantly lie in bed and do nothing. In case you don’t feel like going for a walk in the fresh air, you can still move around the area of ​​your house or garden to get some fresh air instead of doing nothing. Proper movement helps the body recover at a good speed and can also reduce pain. Plus, it reduces some common symptoms of prescription pain relievers.

3. Avoid training

Many people are quite health conscious and want to get back to their regular exercise routines fairly quickly. However, you should stay away from any form of exercise until the recovery period is complete. Even after making a full recovery, it is imperative to perform low-intensity exercises that do not jeopardize the results of the surgery. If you’ve had a major cosmetic procedure, such as breast surgery, then for the first 4 weeks, it’s essential to avoid excessive activity.

Four. Wear your compression garments

You may need to wear a compression garment after some surgeries, such as breast reduction surgery or breast augmentation surgery. By compressing the tissues, swelling and bruising are controlled with compression garments. This allows the patient’s body to reabsorb the accumulated edema fluid. It also aids in contouring by stopping skin wrinkles and improving skin retraction. The appearance of the scars has often been significantly reduced due to pressure. Compression garments can make the scar flatter and less visible.

5. Say no to alcohol and smoking

All cosmetic surgeons will ask you to stop using alcohol and tobacco a few weeks before and after surgery. Alcohol and smoking can have adverse effects on the results of many cosmetic procedures such as Botox treatment. Therefore, you should stay away from these bad habits for a few weeks before and after your cosmetic surgery.

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