7 useful foods to benefit footballers

Any successful soccer player needs to eat muscle-building foods for all-round strength and endurance. A well-planned diet should consist of a lot of carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates are considered the main source of energy and help a player get through a long soccer game or a strenuous training session. Protein is needed to help promote muscle growth.

Here are some useful foods that all soccer players should eat for strength, stamina, and endurance:


Black beans are rich in carbohydrates and protein and are a great option to complement a meal with lean meat.

Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a great option for a lot of protein. The breast part of the bird is preferred because it is the leanest and should be eaten without skin to avoid eating unnecessary fat. Additionally, skinless turkey can be equally beneficial to health.


Eggs are a reliable option for a high-quality protein boost. Eating eggs for breakfast is a great way to start your day. Most of the protein is found in the egg, which is also a useful source of vitamin D, zinc, and selenium. But the egg yolk also contains health benefits and provides additional protein.

Fruits and vegetables

Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is excellent for the carbohydrate content, as well as the vitamins and minerals that help with muscle growth. Popular choices include frozen mixed vegetables, cucumbers, asparagus, tomatoes, berries, and bananas.

Ground beef

Not only is lean ground beef packed with protein, it’s also rich in alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B6, and zinc. To 3 oz. the serving has about 24 grams of protein and only 165 calories. Always opt for extra lean or lean ground beef to avoid the extra fat content.


Oatmeal is a great breakfast option and a very reliable source of carbohydrates. Eating oatmeal first thing in the morning is sure to get you started for the day and keep you full until lunchtime. A full breakfast can include oatmeal combined with pieces of fruit or even eggs.

Sweet potatoes

Another option to add to a lean protein at mealtime is sweet potato, which is a very useful carbohydrate. Sweet potatoes are prized for their ability to produce a beneficial insulin spike. This helps shorten the time it takes for nutrients and protein to reach the muscles.

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