A Dirty Low Review From MLM Guru Michael S Clouse

Who is Michael S. Clouse?

Michael S. Clouse has ranked himself as one of the top 20 network marketing coaches in the world today. Michael is the author of over 50 published articles, as well as several books, training videos, and also CD courses on the subject of the MLM industry and network marketing.

Certified as a Network Marketing Professional by the University of Illinois at Chicago, and together with his 25 years of experience in the network marketing industry, has allowed him to be one of the pillars of knowledge in the MLM industry. He and he also be able to develop traditional MLM systems and also numerous courses on team psychology.

Michael is by far one of the most sought after network marketing trainers in the old school and traditional ways of running your MLM.

Now I have to say that after seeing some of his training and taking some of his courses over my years of being involved in the network marketing industry, Michael’s techniques seem a bit dated and time consuming. Especially considering all the technology and tools that we have at our fingertips in the new and improved way of operating and running our MLM businesses. The Internet.

But with that being said, his teachings still work and should be studied in depth by anyone interested in making a lasting income in the network marketing industry.

The only thing I noticed while studying some of Michael Clouse’s strategies and techniques is that he doesn’t spend a lot of time teaching some of the new internet based recruiting strategies that work so well in today’s internet age. The new school of network marketing.

You really can’t blame him for that though. The lack of internet based training is understandable because for most of his career the internet was not as user friendly as it is for network marketers today.

With today’s fast-moving and social networking technologies, it is possible for anyone with the desire to succeed to create and maintain a successful internet network marketing business worldwide.

Now, I think the best approach for the network marketing profession in today’s industry is to take a hybrid mix. Using some of the offline techniques that Michael teaches, as well as an automated online recruiting system that the Internet can provide.

Why do I think this combination is the best in the MLM industry today? Well, it’s easy. While it will still be necessary to work one-on-one with your prospects over the phone, you can take advantage of today’s technology and continuously stay in touch with an unlimited number of people around the world.

This will not only increase your circle of influence, but also mark you as a leader in the industry. And also the daily hassles and pains of prospecting and lead generation are gone forever because the people you call are people who sincerely want to hear from you and eagerly await your call.

Now, with that being said, if you take an aggressive stance and start building your business as taught by Michael Clouse and also incorporate Internet Network Marketing strategies and techniques, there will be nothing stopping you from becoming a MAD DOG RECRUITING MACHINE.

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