Are you considering male chastity for the long term?

Long-term male chastity, when enforced by a loving mistress, can be an essential component of any successful long-term relationship.

All women know that men cannot be trusted to make the best sexual decisions for themselves and their partners. They simply lack the basic self-control necessary to carry out their marital responsibilities. That is why they need our loving guidance if they are going to become the kind of spouses we expect and deserve.

Beyond that, most men are ashamed of the way they behave sexually. They know that looking at pornography if they are in a committed relationship is wrong, but they can’t help it. They know that masturbating every day while thinking about other women is no different than cheating on their wives, but their biology compels them to do it anyway. That is why they are usually grateful when their wives make the right choice and put them in forced male chastity.

When male chastity becomes your lifestyle choice, everyone wins. That being said, there are two different types of male chastity you can try, and it’s a good idea to find out which one best suits your needs.

The first is short-term male chastity. Under this arrangement, the man is locked up for a day or two at a time and then released when his wife wants to make love. This is a great way for a woman to make sure he won’t masturbate or cheat on her in any way, and it’s a good solution for a woman who gets her main sexual satisfaction from penetrative sex.

There is, however, another version of the lifestyle available to you: long-term male chastity. In this case, the man is locked up for a month or more before being released. In some cases, he is actually never allowed to orgasm again, and instead is “milked” so that he can ejaculate without an orgasm several times a year.

So why would a woman consider male chastity long term rather than short term? There are many reasons:

o If your climaxes come mainly from oral or digital stimulation. For many women, intercourse will never bring them an orgasm. By placing your husband in chastity, he will become more aware of your needs and a more sensitive lover, finding other ways to please you.

o If you want to bring back the romance in your marriage. The fewer orgasms he has, the more romantic he will be with you. You will learn that your inevitable pleasure will lead to your pleasure.

o If his penis is smaller than average, he will learn to please you in many other ways that will give him more confidence and allow him to forget about his inadequate package. Sex toys can offer endless possibilities of pleasure if penetration is a must.

o If you want me to do more housework. Being cooped up will give you a ton of energy that you need to direct somewhere. Why not have him use it to do the dishes and clean the bathroom?

o If he has ever cheated on you. It goes without saying that if he has cheated on you, there is no reason he should be allowed a regular sexual release.

o If you have already had enough children. Making sex a thing of the past means you no longer have to worry about the side effects of oral contraceptives or the possibility of a condom breaking.

o If he is a fast shooter. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation will learn to please you with their mouths and fingers. It will be a relief for them to find out that you can please yourself without focusing on their flaws.

Male chastity is not a selfish or one-sided lifestyle. There are many benefits for both men and women. These are just some of the things to think about if you are considering male chastity for the long term. It could be extremely pleasurable and beneficial for both of you!

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