Beagle Dog Training – How To Train Your Beagle To Lie Down

Beagles are fantastic dogs to have as companions, but you must remember not to overlook the fact that Beagles require very specific training and environment to develop their full potential.

If you train your beagle with patience and perseverance, you will eventually have a very obedient dog, one that will do just about anything on command. This is a very special ability, especially if you have a beagle. This is due to the fact that these dogs are hunting dogs and will usually go where their noses tell them, rather than where their master tells them.

A great way to start your beagle dog training would be to teach him the “lie down” command.

So what is the “lie down” command?

The lie down command is simply having your beagle lie down on his tummy on your command. In addition to this, the beagle should not move until you release the command for it to do so.

That makes sense! But how does the “lie down” command work? You can find the instructions for this question below.

Training instructions:

1. Start by having your beagle in a sitting position and be sure to get his attention. This can be accomplished by simply calling your name.

two. She then lets him know it’s time to do a training exercise by holding some kind of treat or toy above his head so that it’s clearly visible. Make sure your beagle stays seated and doesn’t come near you. Remember, we must keep them focused on the task at hand.

3. Now you can start holding the treat closer to your beagle’s chest. Really emphasize keeping the focus on you and not the treat. If you see that your beagle is not paying attention to you, snap your fingers and say “eyes here.” Once the beagle looks at you, you can reward him until he can do it consistently.

Four. Next, bring the treat from your beagle’s chest straight down between its legs. While you’re doing this, make sure to say “down”, once he’s laid down, give your beagle the treat and pet him too. You must do this several times until it becomes second nature.

5. Lastly, start moving away from your beagle and make sure he doesn’t suddenly appear. If he does, no rewards are given. On the other hand, if your beagle stays in the lying position until you release the command, then you can reward him with the treat.

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