Bedwetting in childhood: an energy medicine point of view

Infant bedwetting is a common and distressing situation for both children and their parents. This condition is also known as nocturnal enuresis, which means urinating at night. If the child is quite young, a diagnostic evaluation is done, including consultation with medical specialists when necessary. If there are physical problems or inherited urinary tract disorders, these should be treated immediately. In most cases, however, a child who urinates on the bed has no physical problems, and parents are often told to just wait.

While this approach is understandable, I don’t think it gives us the complete picture. By using the invaluable information that is easily obtained by evaluating your child from the perspective of Chinese medicine or energy medicine, we can find contributing factors that may not be obvious and treatment or targeting measures that will help speed up the resolution of enuresis.

In many cases, it is true that if you wait long enough, the child will “outgrow” the nocturnal enuresis. However, I have yet to find a child or parent who is willing to accept that approach without trying anything or everything to alleviate this nagging problem. In my experience, some of the most common precursors to bed-wetting are a history of immune system problems, such as severe infections or severe allergies. These conditions require energy from the energy circuits of your kidneys and bladder, both when actively occurring and, in some cases, for years afterward.

Other situations that can drain more energy from a child’s kidneys and bladder include fearful or traumatic events, such as being in a bicycle or car accident, a head injury, or even just having elective surgery for things like tubes in the ears and removal of tonsils. It is not that these events are causal in and of themselves, but rather the redistribution of energy required by the child’s system to deal with them in the moment and later that can lead to an imbalance in the kidney and bladder. power circuit.

This is such a common situation in children that I have incorporated asking these specific questions with each new patient that I see in my practice. In this way, we can get a more holistic picture of what is happening with the child from the beginning. The usefulness of this information, and the fact that it can be correlated and returned to the child and family as part of a coherent energetic explanation for bedwetting, makes it a key component of my strategy with children and parents.

The way that energy medicine considers the energy of your child’s kidneys and bladder assesses historical experiences that may be related to current symptoms and recognizes that the body as a system is called upon to make energy distribution decisions based on the priority and the need to maintain vital energy. functions. Also, the ability to prevent or anticipate the possibility of new symptoms appearing in the future is something I want all parents to know is possible using this type of energy medicine approach.

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