Can bananas cause a rash on the penis?

It’s no secret that a proper diet can play a role in maintaining the health of a man’s penis. Eating right can provide vitamins and nutrients that can keep your heart healthy, maintain proper blood pressure, increase blood flow to the penis when an erection is needed, maintain stamina, etc. Delicious bananas are often a part of many men’s healthy diet, but recently some doctors have sounded the alarm about bananas and penile rash. But the problem is not precisely that men eat the tasty fruit.

Many health benefits

Incorporating bananas into a diet can provide many important health benefits. They are rich in a variety of different nutrients, including potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, manganese, magnesium, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and niacin. The fiber in bananas can be a great digestive aid, and their antioxidants help fight oxidative stress.

So it seems that eating bananas is a good thing. But some men go a little further than eating bananas.

using the shell

Look, it’s no secret that we men like to have a good time with our penises. Almost all men masturbate, and many men masturbate quite frequently, there is nothing wrong with that. Also, many men like to “mix things up” a bit with their masturbation and use toys or sexual aids to make the experience that much more fun. They may decide to wear cock rings, for example, or use a vibrator to add extra stimulation to the penis. Maybe they can buy a penis sheath or find some other item that can be used to simulate the sensation of a vagina on your penis.

Like, say, a banana peel. It is quite simple, as the shape of the banana itself already bears a certain resemblance to a penis that is often commented on. So some men enjoy removing the banana fruit from the peel and then wrapping the peel around their penis while stroking each other.

It’s true that banana peel has been around as a masturbation aid for centuries. But there seems to have been a recent rise in popularity in this area.

penis rash

Many doctors warn that wrapping the penis in a banana peel can cause a penile rash. This is more likely if one is already allergic to bananas, but even men who do not have such an allergy may find that the stringy peel can be especially conducive to a penile rash. Also, if there are cuts or openings on the penis, an infection could be triggered.

Using a shell alone may be cause for concern, but doctors are further warning against another emerging trend: heating the skins in a microwave before inserting the penis. It is very easy to misjudge the amount of time that is appropriate to “warm it up” and instead come out with a very hot shell that can cause blisters to appear on the delicate skin of the penis. In some cases, the heat could be so intense that a man could tear some of the skin off his penis.

Men who wish to continue using bananas as a masturbation aid should be vigilant for penile rashes and stop the practice as soon as they appear. They should also make sure to wash the penis thoroughly after using a peel. And you should really avoid heating the shell.

A rash on the penis from the use of bananas might experience some relief if a man regularly applies a superior oil for penis health. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil that is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin). The best oils will contain a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural moisturizer (such as vitamin E). Healthy antioxidants to stop oxidative stress, such as alpha lipoic acid, should also be included in the oil.

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