Causes and symptoms of male yeast infection

Male yeast infections can be identified into two types: penile candidiasis and oral candidiasis. Men with thrush experience different symptoms that can cause discomfort in their daily activities. However, male yeast infection symptoms can be easily treated.

men with thrush

Male yeast infections are caused by a fungus known as Candida Albicans that thrives on the skin and inside the mouth, where the body’s natural bacteria live. If a man does not follow a proper diet or take antibiotics, male yeast infections are more likely to appear. What happens in the male body is that the candida fungus takes over the good bacteria within the system, causing inflammation and rashes in the mouth or penile area. Also, for men with thrush, Candida Albicans can thrive in our digestive tract, causing mild abdominal pain and nausea.

male yeast infection symptoms

For male thrush, the swellings are found inside the cheeks, roof of the mouth, or on the tongue. This is usually manifested by yellow or white spots, accompanied by pain, itching, and blistering. Male yeast infection symptoms also include a dry, cracked condition at the corner of the mouth. In addition, a man’s sense of taste can also be affected by yeast infection. Antifungal medications are usually applied to remedy the male symptoms of yeast infection.

Effects of male yeast infections

With male oral thrush, the inflammation can spread around the mouth, throat, and esophagus area. Because of this, it will be difficult to swallow food and drinks. In the worst case, a man can swallow food, but restlessness arises when there is a feeling of not swallowing food. The esophagus can also be affected by ulcers that doctors can treat with oral suspensions.

For men with penile thrush, itching is often felt on the glans penis. Other male symptoms of penile yeast infection include red spots, discharge, and a starchy odor. This condition can be spread through sexual intercourse. Male penile yeast infection is usually treated with antifungal creams and ointments.

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