Collagen vs Botox

In recent years, the use of Botox injections to combat the visible effects of aging on human skin has been on the rise, with many high-profile celebrities admitting to having received Botox treatments (David Beckham and Hilary Clinton are both converts recent) reputation is flying high.

With its amazing ability to remove wrinkles from the skin in a matter of a few hours, it is no wonder that many people respect it, but it seems that the dangers of botox are being ignored in favor of its almost youthful properties.

For starters, botox, or to give it its full name, botulinum toxin, is known to be one of the most poisonous substances in the world. While the amount of botox administered in a single treatment is minimal, there are still concerns about the long-term damage the substance could cause to the human body, especially for people who have undergone repeated treatments.

So what is the alternative? Well one option is to use collagen supplements.

Collagen is one of the most abundant forms of natural protein in the human body and makes up 75% of skin tissue. Its work as the “glue” that holds the body together is somewhat limited by the fact that by the age of 25, its rate of production in the body decreases at a rate of approximately 1.5% per year.

Sun exposure and the natural effects of aging cause the body’s collagen fibers to weaken and become less flexible. The result is dry, wrinkled skin that has lost its inherent elasticity.

Collagen supplements help replace missing collagen and activate the body’s function of creating new collagen, rejuvenating the skin and smoothing wrinkles.

In addition to the benefits for the skin, collagen is also known to relieve aches and pains from disorders such as arthritis, preserve and replenish lean muscle mass, and help control body fat.

Here are some points to consider if you are looking to firm up those wrinkles and tighten that skin.

Botox injections

Pro: The injection provides immediate results

Pro: Quick procedure

Pro: Results last 4-6 months

Swindle: Repeat the necessary treatments

Swindle: Expensive – treatments cost around £ 200

Swindle: It involves poison injected into the body.

Collagen supplements

Pro: Triggers the body’s own collagen production.

Pro: It helps other areas of the body: muscles, joints, etc.

Pro: 6 months of supplements cost half as much as Botox

Swindle: It may take a few months before the effects are noticeable.

Swindle: It must be taken regularly for results to show.

Botox treatments are available in cosmetic surgeries across the country. Collagen supplements are available from a variety of providers like Sanctum Health.

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