Create an endless list of new qualified leads with social networks in 5 really simple steps

Do you think there is any network marketer out there who doesn’t know that social media marketing is a great tool to get leads for your business? I do not think so, at least those who have made the leap to the internet. So why are so many people not earning a penny in their MLM business? Social networks are free tools to work. There is nothing more “duplicable”. So why is hardly anyone duplicating?

We read the books on personal development. We read the books on the law of attraction. Then we feel great for a few days or weeks. We’re all on, and then…

Then we start over, doing what doesn’t work. All the information we need is here on the web. We just have to follow a few simple steps to make it work for us.

Success does not depend on doing one thing really well for a single moment. Success depends on doing lots of little things, day after day. You need discipline for that. You have to take responsibility for your life.

Here are some really easy steps to follow that will improve your success on social media:

1. Get a free tool or eBook that you can offer to people. This ebook or tool should make life easier for the people you contact.

2. Go to a social website and search for people who are already in a network marketing business. You don’t even need to try it with people who don’t know anything about MLM. You want people who are in business and struggling.

3. Connect with a person who you think is working in an MLM business and who you think needs help to improve your business.

4. Send this person a personal message or email. You can talk about the person’s profile, or anything you might have in common, or just want to connect with. At the end of your message, offer the free eBook or tool and make it sound like it’s something they can actually use. Don’t give the person your link. Just ask him if he would like you to share it.

5. Repeat these steps over and over again. Try to work on several websites a day, sending about 10 messages to each website.

There will be people who do not react to your message. There will be people who say, “Hey, tell me more.” Responders who want to know more about your free stuff will get your link. This is the easy part of making contact with people and starting to build your list.

Once you’re in touch with people, build on that. Teach them, train them. Earn their trust. Some will end up in the downline of your main opportunity, if you stick to the plan. And the best thing is that since these people are already trained, they can take off immediately, copying your example.

Now, I know this isn’t some “get rich quick” thing. This takes time and effort and a lot of repetition, but it is a proven working program.

Ask me for a free tool or ebook to offer your people, if you don’t have any.

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