Do you want to catch Big Bass? You have to fish them!

Yes, we all want to catch big bass and catch that once-in-a-lifetime bass, but most anglers just don’t catch them. They fish where medium sized bass are found, but not monster bass. Then the fisherman wonders why he doesn’t catch the fish he wants to catch.

A big bass is not going to be out in the open. Safely. In fact, most anglers will never go near a monster when fishing. They are too concerned with catching bass and only fish where the average sized bass feed and live. Yes, they fish for structure, weeds, stumps, etc. but that is not where the pigs feed. Anglers have read so much about bass fishing that they think this is where to catch big bass.
It is not!

Confused? You are not alone, so are millions upon thousands of other bass anglers. Do you really think lunkers got big by being out in the open where other small bass feed? Yes, you will catch a good bass from time to time, but you are not catching great bass on a regular basis. Large bass will be very protected, some bass have never seen a lure even because anglers don’t go where they are located.

Big bass will sit in the thickest, heaviest deck you can find or even imagine. They will stay near that deck for most of their lives. Some will never see a lure because the anglers don’t go where they are or don’t know where they are on the lake they are fishing. You can fish an entire lake and never go near a monster bass.

I know and have fished with a fisherman who catches good size bass on a regular basis. Other anglers just can’t believe how he catches monster bass all the time. So why does he catch the pigs while other fishermen catch nothing? Because he fishes them! Fishing where they are, going places most anglers don’t even think about going fishing. He fishes for lures that resemble the prey that sea bass eat. He imitates the prey with his retriever and goes to great lengths to make that lure look real.

If the bass are eating oxen, why cast a 10 inch long lure? How does that mimic what the bass are eating? If bass feed on tarpon, why drop a crop? Listen, bass have lived where they are most of their lives, they know what is natural in their environment. If something is out of place, the bass will know it and will be careful to stay near it. Bass didn’t get their size because they just fed on whatever came their way. If their environment changes, then they won’t feed… period.

Another thing is that large bass are not going to chase your lure like you think they will. The guy who catches big bass regularly fishes his lure so slow you think he fell asleep. It can take him 10 minutes to get your lure to the boat. He wants to keep his lure in front of the big bass’s face for as long as he can keep it there. Why do you do that? To tune the bass so it hits longer.

I fish the same way, I fish the heaviest, thickest cover I can find. I set my lure right where the cover is thickest and then wait. After a while I will move the lure and move it slow. I learned this a long time ago and noticed that when I fish like this I catch more beautiful bass and you will too. I fish a lot from shore and have had dozens of anglers boat out and ask me what I was using as a lure. I would tell them and even show them my lure. What they didn’t realize was that it didn’t matter if he showed them the lure or not, if they didn’t have the technique to do it. The next time you’re at your favorite lake, look around you, look under the trees, look for the thickest cover on the lake, and try to fish for it. Fish where others don’t fish or even consider going for shelter. Try it! You’ll be surprised!

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