Dry Skin on the Penis: 7 Common Causes and How to Treat Them

Finding dry skin on the penis can definitely cause anxiety for any man. A patch of dry skin can bring to mind some worst case scenarios! Fortunately, most causes of dry penile skin are common and easy to remedy. At worst, a man can expect some discomfort as the skin heals and returns to its naturally smooth state. Here are some of the most reported causes of dry skin on the penis and how to treat them.

1) Strong Soaps –. Penile skin is very delicate and harsh soaps can cause dryness and irritation. Harsh soaps containing sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), bleach, polypropylene, and triclosan should be avoided at all costs. Use only water or a mild soap like baby shampoo to gently clean the area.

2) Allergies — Allergies to lotions, condoms, spermicides, laundry detergents, certain fabrics, or other personal care products have been known to cause dry skin on the penis. Other associated allergy symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, and watery eyes.

3) Chafing – Tight pants, underwear or shorts can cause chafing, leading to irritated and dry skin. Be sure not to tighten things too tightly around the muzzle to avoid chafing. Also, wear soft, breathable fabrics so the area doesn’t get too wet or attract bacteria.

4) Yeast Infection- Yeast infections can not only cause dry skin on the penis, but can also cause a rash, swelling around the head of the penis, thick discharge under the foreskin, and white patches on the skin. It can also be quite painful to have sex or urinate. Use an over-the-counter antifungal cream on the head of the penis (and under the foreskin if uncircumcised) until symptoms subside. Refrain from masturbation and sex until the infection is completely gone.

5) Eczema – Eczema is a common skin problem in which the skin is dry, inflamed, or irritated.Treat the area with an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream as directed by a pharmacist or doctor. Be sure to moisturize the area daily and after any contact with water to minimize further drying.

6) Psoriasis – Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red, scaly patches on the skin. Fortunately it is not dangerous or contagious. See a doctor or dermatologist for a prescription cortisone cream to treat the affected area. A cream with vitamins A and E is also useful for regular hydration.

7) Dry Sex or Masturbation – Prolonged sexual activity without adequate lubrication can cause dry skin on the penis. Using a lubricant for sex or masturbation can prevent dryness and make it more pleasurable. Lubricants come in three formulations: water-based, oil-based, and silicone-based. Water-based lubricants are less likely to cause irritation. Make sure the lubricant is also safe to use with condoms for safer sex.

Practice good penis care for health

Regardless of the source of the problem, good penile grooming habits can go a long way in reducing irritation and dry skin on the penis. Be sure to wash the penis every day with gentle pressure and a mild cleanser. Moisturize your penis regularly to keep it soft and flexible. Keep your groin area dry and wear breathable fabrics to discourage moisture and bacteria, and opt for baggier pants or at least fitted pants instead of skinny pants.

When it comes to moisturizing the delicate skin of the penis, a specially shaped penis health cream (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on skin.) It should be used. Nourishing creams that are made specifically for the penis should include ingredients like vitamins A, C, D, and E, known for their soothing and skin-rejuvenating properties. Men should also select a product that contains a natural emollient like shea butter, which repairs dry skin and returns it to its original smooth state.

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