Factors Affecting Type Selection in Typography

Typography is the process of arranging type in a pleasing way in order to convey a message. A typographer is a skilled artist who has specialized in the selection and arrangement of typographic images. The text on a page/pages or in a book is described in Graphic Design as Typefaces or Fonts. A typeface or font is a particular style of a set of letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.

There are hundreds of fonts with different sizes, variations and characteristics, for example, italic, bold, heavy, normal, narrow, rounded, display, compressed, light, condensed, extended, etc. Some of the typefaces quickly grab viewers’ attention for their boldness, while others express the feeling of movement and instability. The graphic artist has to understand the distinctive characteristics of all typefaces before he can effectively select the most suitable for the execution of a particular product.

The selection of the type of Graphic Communication is based on factors such as the type of information, the target audience, readability, legibility and suitability.

1. The type of information

This refers to the type of message that is going to be conveyed to the audience. This could be health issues, religious issues, political issues, etc. The graphic artist must be aware of the information to be delivered in order to select the appropriate font that can best carry the message to the general public. For example, billboards, banners, etc. Articulated along main streets should carry thick, display, or extra bold fonts for legibility and legibility.

2. The target audience

These are the people to whom the message is to be sent. The graphic artist has to know the gender, age range, tastes or choices, cultural background, and location in order to select the font and font size that can deliver the message effectively. For example, if the graphic artist is selecting a typeface for a book for a kindergarten student, she would not select a script, cursive, or serif typeface. This is because it may not be readable for children who are now learning the letters of the alphabet. The best typeface selection should be a sans serif typeface that is bold with a font size of about 18-20 points. This choice would definitely be different if the target audience were adults or teenagers.

3. Readability

This refers to the ease with which the font to be selected can be seen and recognized from a distance. This should be very important for the graphic artist because the main goal of our work is to communicate effectively to people. Therefore, before selecting a particular typeface, you should ask yourself this important question: ‘Will my target audience be able to easily see and understand the message I am sending them?’ If the selected font style correctly answers yes, then the choice is good.

4. Readability

This is about the ease with which the target audience can combine the type letters into meaningful words and sentences, as well as try to decipher the content. Readability refers to how quickly the viewer reads and digests the message portrayed by the graphic artist. Look at the unity created by the combination of the individual letters into communicable symbols. The graphic artist should select a type that is easily readable.

5. Suitability

This is how well the selected typography harmonizes with the message to be transmitted to the general public. The selected type should also be appropriate for the preferences of the target audience.

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