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High School Wrestling Moves – Positioning

Top and bottom positioning

While some fighters focus more on the moves from the standing positions, others prefer to spend more time learning how to execute the moves from the bottom. However, a top wrestler incorporates a strong combination of both into their high school wrestling arsenal of moves. Here is a selection of high school wrestling moves for top and bottom position to increase your chances of taking the opponent to the mat.

at the top of his game

These high school wrestling moves are for when the wrestler is in top position. His goal is to go beyond the basic single-leg and double-leg takedowns, which are somewhat predictable and therefore easier to defend against.

Many wrestlers like to execute the firefighter carry, which starts out similar to the double leg takedown. However, instead of targeting the opponent’s legs, the attacker reaches under their opponent’s arms to grab one arm while pushing the other arm between their legs.

The attacker then lifts the opponent over their shoulder and throws them onto the mat on their back. He should be careful when attempting the fireman’s hold, as it must be done from the knees, or else he may illegally endanger the opponent.

Next, try the headlock hip throw, which is a crucial move for fighters in the heavyweight class. To start, the attacker grabs his opponent’s head and arm. At the same time, they rotate their hips toward their opponent’s stomach. In effect, this causes the attacker to simply blast their helpless opponent to the mat, landing on top of them with their full weight.

Here’s another top position wrestling move called duck-low. This move works well because it’s a surprise attack that opponents are less able to predict. As the opponent extends one of the arms, the attacker drives their opponent’s elbow toward the ceiling and crouches under them. From this position on their opponent’s back, they can easily lift their opponent into the air and trip them over their own outstretched leg to land on the mat for a takedown.

Bottom up

Wrestlers must also have a number of high school wrestling moves to use from the bottom position, including the stand-up and switch. For the stand-up or escape move, the bottom wrestler grabs their opponent’s hand at the wrist and rotates it. From this position, they stand up and separate the doll from their stomach. When performed quickly, the upper wrestler cannot neutralize the move by grabbing the lower wrestler’s ankle.

The switch is an even more effective move from the bottom position because when executed successfully it earns the wrestler two points for a takedown. To begin, the bottom wrestler whips one leg under the other. This allows the wrestler to reach their opponent’s leg with their back hand and push off to gain leverage and control of the match, forcing their opponent to the mat.


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