How retargeting campaigns work

The fact is that most people who visit your site for the first time have no intention of buying anything. They first come out of curiosity and to seek information.

Most sites have an average direct conversion of 4% or less. That means if you have 1,000 visitors a day, only 40 of them (or less) will convert to buy or sign up for your email list.

A retargeting campaign involves using code called a pixel to install on your site so that the platform you run the ads on, be it Google, Facebook, Twitter or any other, knows how to deliver the ads to people who have already visited your site. By showing ads to people who have already visited your site but haven’t converted, you can improve conversions.

To set realistic goals, you’ll first need to know how many people visit your site during a given period. Plus, you should already know your conversion rate for those visitors without retargeting. Once you have that information, you can judge how well retargeting is working to help you reach your conversion goals.


How many times will people see your ad? How many times do you want your audience to see them? The more money you pay for your ad, the more people will see it. However, it is imperative to get the orientation right before upping the ante.


This is an important goal to have, and the way you set this goal is by using math. If your site typically has a 4 percent conversion rate, your ad is likely to maintain roughly the same conversion rate. But since you’re remarketing to them, that will increase your overall conversion rate; therefore, you need more clicks for the math to work.


A very important goal to set is how many actual conversions you think you’ll get. You can base your normal conversions directly on your site, as mentioned above. This will also allow you to calculate your cost per conversion. Remember to factor in your profit per purchase in your goal settings so you know how much you can spend on your ads.

The way this works is that a potential customer comes to your site and then buys less than 4%. The rest either do nothing or you can leave something in your cart. Then, when they browse the web, they’ll see your ad and it’ll grab their attention because they’ll be more likely to recognize your brand. They are more likely to click on it than someone who has never heard of you.

Being able to deliver targeted ads to special people who have visited your site before is a very powerful marketing opportunity for any business. Your ROI will pay off big time when you learn how to run a retargeting campaign with the right goals.

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