How to determine if an in-home caregiver for an elderly person is the right choice for your family

One of the most difficult things you will have to deal with in life is watching the strongest member of your family grow old. Over time, they will lose the ability to do things the way they used to, and when things become too difficult for them, a decision must be made as to whether to hire an in-home caregiver for an elderly person. . a friendly hand.

The whole situation can be a minefield for a family because they know they feel like they are giving up on their loved one. Even more devastating is that the older family member in question may get the idea that they are not who they used to be and now need help. This could lead them to feel sad about the loss of their faculties or even angry that their family has chosen to bring a stranger to embarrass them every time. There are no winners in this situation. So what is a family to do?

Well, for starters, it’s important that a family get together and talk things through. Be sure to include the older family member who needs help, as it is very important to get their input. When you are all together, take turns talking about how things have been changing. Don’t be afraid to bring up incidents you’ve noticed that concern you regarding your older relative. Make sure your discussions are organized and stay on topic. The last thing you want to do is introduce confusion.

Next, discuss what options are available for family members to contribute and be the home health care “Dream Team” by doing it all themselves without outside help. Review each other’s work schedules, highlight times when you can change other appointments and commitments, and decide how each family member’s free time can be used by taking another “turn” to help out. Ask your older family member if there is anything else to worry about in health care. This can include trips to the grocery store, running to the post office, and if you have pets, making sure all appointments are kept with the vet. Be sure to find out who will bring all the parties to church.

It never hurts to start thinking about the cars you drive and how well equipped they are in case you need to transport your family member. Trucks can be a bit too tall, while two-door cars make getting in and out really difficult. You may have to do some sort of rideshare cooptation of certain cars, but if it’s doable, then go for it.

Finally, as you discuss hiring an in-home caregiver for your elderly family member, look at each other quietly and ask yourself how long you think you will be able to sustain this type of lifestyle. Nobody wants to say it, and nobody wants to think about it, but you know the answer. How do you determine if an in-home caregiver is right for your family’s situation? You will know when the time is right.

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