How to lose pounds in three steps

There is an ongoing myth that pervades the world of dieting and weight loss, and its false message has led thousands if not millions of people down the road to failure. The diet and weight loss industry has convinced the public that weight loss involves sacrifice and testing your limits.

These notions appeal to our intuitions because we’ve been conditioned to believe that goals are hard to achieve, but this article is here to dispel those myths. It sounds crazy, but when you apply the following three easy steps to your life, you learn how to lose pounds and pounds with ease and confidence.

1- Take back the power

Diets have let so many people down, so why do they keep turning to them? It’s time to ditch regimented weight loss and refocus on the individual. You won’t figure out how to lose pounds until you figure out yourself and his own personal needs. Each person has unique goals and there is no point in wasting time following someone else.

2- Listen to your body

Remember, now it’s about you. You have to team up with your body if you’re really going to learn how to lose pounds and pounds of real weight. Your body wants to lose weight and it does so by metabolizing the energy you give it in the form of food. Everyone has their own metabolic rate, but they all work the same way: Your metabolism reaches its optimal potential when you eat less food more often. This means several (up to 5) small 300-450 calorie meals every day to fuel your internal fat burning machine.

3- Drop the scale and focus on you

We all have a love/hate relationship with numbers, but our tendency to cling to them as a legitimate indicator of weight loss success can be crippling. Many crash diets pride themselves on their claims to make you lose 10 to 15 pounds in a week, but they rarely brag about how you’ll feel throughout the process. Most flash diets simply shed the water weight, which comes back easily and quickly.

Instead of basing your success on what the scale tells you, consider your overall state of being. If you had to choose between being invigorated, excited and energized from now on or being 10 pounds lighter and lethargic in 7 days, what would you choose? The quality of life must always be prior; always ask yourself ‘at what cost am I losing weight and for how long?’

Keep these three principles in mind, stay in touch with yourself and the right people and the results will take care of themselves – on YOUR terms!

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