How To Set Up Your Internet Marketing – Step By Step Guide – Part 1

Based on my previous article, it’s not difficult to set up your own internet marketing. In this article, I will expand on what I have written above.

Before we can get involved in internet marketing, you need to make sure that you are fully focused and committed to the cause. I’m sure most of you remember the days of your childhood when you were always jumping from one hobby or interest to another and couldn’t stay in one particular interest for long.


Therefore, it is important to stay focused and engaged. If you lack focus and commitment in whatever you do, chances are you won’t be able to gain traction or breakthroughs. You also need to remember not to focus too much on your problems or any problems that you encounter. If you focus too much on your worries, your negative mindset will soon consume you.

Once your negative mindset grows, you will soon fall sideways and lose focus on your main goal. In time, you will never understand why you are not doing anything.

So always remember to focus on the task at hand and ignore all negative thoughts and when you do, you will soon be very engrossed in the process and working very hard to complete it. One way to improve your focus is through visualization.


What is really visualization? Visualization is a thought process in which you train your mind to think about the things you want and imagine that you have actually achieved your dreams. When your mind thinks and visualizes success, you will soon be working hard to work towards your goal and make the visualization process a reality.

It’s like imagining the things you want to get once you are successful, like a big house or an expensive car. Visualizing that you are staying in the big house of your dreams and driving the car of your dreams will make you happy and content. When you “wake up” from the visualization, you will try to make what you visualize come true.

Consistency and persistence

Once you have a visualization of the things you plan to have or plan to achieve, it will be easier to work toward the goal. Now comes consistency and persistence and you need both to achieve your goals faster.

It is like planting a tree. You need to water it constantly to see the tree grow. Yes, doing the same thing over and over again can be very boring and exhausting. It can be very demoralizing not to see any results after so much hard work.

When these negative thoughts appear, it will be very detrimental to your dreams or goals. Therefore, you must convert this negative energy into positive energy. Remember that Rome was not built in a day.

Be consistent and persistent when watering the tree and you will soon see a giant tree towering high and providing you with the fruit and shade you need. Therefore, never give up and you will see that your visualization becomes a reality very soon.


It’s sad to know that sometimes the people who make you depressed or discouraged and demotivated are your loved ones. They could be members of your family, your partner, or even your friends. These people are the ones who will usually pour cold water on your idea.

There is a high probability that they will say things like “Don’t waste your time online, you will never be rich doing that” or “Find a better job if you want to make more money instead of wasting time online.”

Typically these people don’t really understand internet marketing so they will never encourage you to try things that you are unsure about.

Always remember, whatever happens, have faith in yourself, focus, be persistent and consistent in your work and you will soon be successful and soon everyone will want to know the secret of your success, including those who took you down before. Visualize your success and it will become reality.

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