Planning a trip to Kenya: requirements and tips

Many tourists who have managed to visit Kenya before are often itching to take a return trip, while it is a dream trip for those who have never set foot in Africa’s King of nature and wildlife. As you strive to make that dream trip to Kenya a reality, there are some basic needs and considerations to consider.

Visas and Passports: This is pretty obvious. You need a passport to cross the border to any other country in the world. Most foreigners must also acquire a visa before being legally granted access to the country. However, Commonwealth citizens do not need a visa to visit Kenya. Visas are issued at Kenya’s international airports and major border crossings. You can also get one in advance from your country (highly recommended).

If you intend to cross into another country like Tanzania, say to climb Kilimanjaro or hike the Serengeti, it is recommended that you take a multiple entry visa so that you do not face any obstacles on your way back. Tourist visas are usually valid for thirty days.

Vaccines: Unless you are from a country with reported cases of yellow fever, you do not need vaccinations. If you have been immunized, take the card showing the inoculation with you. If you’re from the US and Europe, you don’t have to worry about any immunizations, but medical professionals recommend immunization against Diphtheria, Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Polio (update), and Tetanus (update). Since malaria is a big risk in the country, it is recommended to carry some anti-malarial medicines; consult your doctor before traveling as the disease is resistant to some drugs such as chloroquine.

Safety: Kenyans are friendly people and you will be warmly welcomed by the local communities. However, you will come across locals selling their wares, and in some cases, lawyers. If you are not interested in any of the products being sold, politely decline and continue on your journey. You are also advised not to go out alone and keep your passport in a safe place. Don’t carry wads of cash around, even if you intend to pamper yourself on your trip. Leave jewelry in your hotel room and be careful with other valuables, such as camera phones, so as not to lessen the work of petty thieves.

When to travel to Kenya: Kenya can be visited almost all year round, but for the best African wildlife safari, the period between July and September is perfect. This is during the phenomenal wildebeest migration from the Serengeti to the Maasai Mara.

From the Mara, you might want to relax on Diani Beach, Kenya’s number one beach destination on the south coast. There you have it, make that dream come true by taking that dream trip to Kenya, the number one tourist destination in Africa, “karibu sana” (welcome!)

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