Real Estate Auction Surplus Collection – A Home Business You Can Work Around The World

If you’re thinking of cashing in the surplus from real estate auctions, this is a great option. You are entering the business in its infancy, and at an incredible economic time, with the number of foreclosures that are occurring. So few people know what it’s like to collect surpluses from real estate auctions, and it’s not likely that too many people will realize it before you’ve earned a million or two in finder’s fees.

If you’re not in the know, collecting real estate auction surpluses basically means finding records of unclaimed real estate funds, finding out who they belong to, and collecting both for a finder’s fee. It sounds almost too simple to believe, but very few people work this real estate angle. This is likely because most in the know are aware of the limits on finder fees imposed by state law and assume that they also apply to the often huge sums of money created at real estate auctions. .

they do not

Due to a little-known legal loophole, these funds are not subject to finder fee caps. That means you can charge whatever you want (court cases have ruled in favor of those who charge 30-50%, or more, depending on the case) and collecting excesses from real estate auctions can bring you into five figures. in a single transaction.

Imagine the possibilities out there right now. There are literally billions of dollars in government agencies that are eligible to be collected by their rightful owners, if they only knew about them.

If you can find the records of these funds, do the legwork to find their missing owners (who almost never have a clue about the money, for a variety of reasons), and keep your mouth shut about where the money came from until I’ve By getting them to agree to your percentage, you can easily have a five-figure a month source of income, which believe it or not, takes almost as long as a part-time job. As if that wasn’t enough, almost nothing needs to be done in person, which means you can work this job from your home office, whether you’re American, Australian, Russian or anywhere else.

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