Simple Ways to Reduce Wrist Tattoo Pain

Wrist tattoos are very beautiful and can leave you looking elegant and unique. The inner wrist happens to be a common place for placement. However, this area is very sensitive and can be painful when inking and after tattoo placement is complete. Wrist pain that is severe can make it difficult for you to perform normal tasks and you need to find ways to reduce the pain. You’re supposed to minimally disturb the tattoo after it’s been placed, so make sure you stay gentle even when you’re trying to relieve pain. Below are simple methods to reduce the pain associated with wrist tattoos.

1. Clean your tattoo properly

You will receive cleaning tips from your tattoo artist and you should follow the instructions. Hygiene is very important to keep infection at bay as the wound heals. It is recommended that you use non-exfoliating bar soap with mild warm water if you have severe wrist pain. Cleaning should be done after the bandage has been removed. It is advisable to wash the wrist well before and also after placing the tattoo.

2. Keep it out of the sun

When you have a new tattoo, you should keep it out of direct sunlight. Exposure to heat relieves pain. Simply avoid the painful experience by covering the tattooed area well before heading out to enjoy the sun. Vitamin D is beneficial to the skin, but allows for healing before exposing the tattoo to keep pain at bay and protect fresh ink.

3. Use some ice

It is a great remedy that works by numbing the wrist, thus offering you pain relief. Remember that your skin has been pierced and pain is definitely unavoidable. It is recommended that you place ice cubes on your wrist before the tattoo process begins so that pain afterward is minimal. Ice cubes should be wrapped in plastic sheeting to prevent freezer burn and should also not be set for more than 10 minutes if you want to prevent frostbite.

4. Try topical anesthetics

There are very good numbing creams that you can use to numb the skin and reduce the pain of wrist tattoos. The creams act on the nerve endings in the skin, calming the pain and also relieving it. Ask your tattoo artist for recommendations before getting your tattoo and find out which creams can be used after placement without interfering with inking.

5. Stay out of the pool

The truth is that chlorinated water can end up increasing the pain around the wrist when you have a fresh tattoo. You should also avoid rivers and lakes because even if they don’t have chlorine, they could have microbial and bacterial interactions that can lead to infections. Relieve pain by avoiding swimming for a while.

6. Be careful with the bandage

The bandage is important for healing pierced skin, but it should not be too tight as it will only increase itching, swelling, and pain.

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