The main signs that he likes you: watch his body language

Have you ever met a guy at a bar and wondered if he’s showing you signs that he likes you? Did you end up watching his every move and wondering if he was subtly trying to tell you that he was interested in you through his body language? Well, the good news is that you’re not going crazy. As complicated as it sounds, that guy may actually have been showing signs that he likes you through his body language.

Men are generally horrible at expressing how they feel, so they won’t tell you if they like you or not. So it’s entirely up to you to find out. Of course, unless you learn to read minds or tell the future, you’ll need to learn to look for signs that he likes you through his body language. Here are several signs to look out for to know if he likes you.

Sign #1: The brow lift

Did he raise an eyebrow when you passed by? Contrary to what most women think, raising your eyebrows has nothing to do with negativity. On the contrary, it actually works like just the opposite. So if a guy raises his eyebrow at you, that simply means that he is interested and wants to get to know you more.

Sign #2: Chin Smoothing

You must know this movement. He usually shows up at work. One of the guys you work with is probably stroking his chin a lot, rubbing it, or playing with his mustache or beard. Either way, this guy doesn’t have a nervous tic. If the guy touches his face a lot when he’s around you, it just means he’s excited or nervous about your presence, and in a good way. See, this move is classified as autoerotic touching, which simply means that he unconsciously touches his face in a playful way to get your attention. However, if you know what move this is, then it clearly worked.

Sign #3: The point of the body

If he’s pointing his body at you all night, you can be sure this is one of the signs that he likes you. I’m not sure yet? Then he looks at her feet. If they are pointing at you, then that is a definite sign. This is especially true if he doesn’t move his position in your direction. It also works if he is sitting down.

Sign #4: Belt grip

Do you touch your belt while talking? This means that he is completely hooked on you. Even if he inadvertently fiddles with his belt while you are talking to him, this means that he is unconsciously flirting with you. This may sound silly, but it’s actually true. This is actually one of the most common signs that he likes you.

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