Three key causes of ocean pollution

Ocean pollution is a major problem that directly affects wildlife, ocean habitats, and human health. Oil spills, toxic waste, and illegal dumping are some of the many sources. Environmental education and awareness programs play a vital role in sharing knowledge that helps change behaviors that improve the health of the oceans.

Unfortunately, birds and marine mammals do not prevent oil spills. The oil sticks to fur, feathers and feet causing serious problems and some fish are attracted to the oil because it looks like food. Marine mammals such as seals and dolphins swim and feed near oil spills because, like seabirds, they are attracted to the schools of fish that gather below.

Oil poisons the food chain when predators eat large numbers of organisms that have absorbed oil. Oil contamination interferes with reproduction by lowering capacities and reducing egg production. When ingested, the oil damages the airways and lungs of mammals and other species, leading to congestion, pneumonia, emphysema, and even death. The sticky oil causes hypothermia in birds by destroying their feathers and in seal pups by destroying their fur insulation. Birds and marine mammals become easy prey when covered in oil and quickly spread the damaging effects up the food chain.

Toxic waste is the most damaging form of pollution dumped into our oceans. These poisons find their way into the seas via landfills, landfills, mines and farms, from factories spewing chemicals and heavy metals from their smokestacks and drains, and from improper disposal in private landfills by people unaware of the issues. Toxic chemicals and metals such as lead have been shown to damage the brain, kidneys, and reproductive system, cause birth defects, slow growth, and cause hearing problems.

Scientists and fishermen believe that toxic chemicals are depleting the fish population. Illegal dumping of human and plastic waste exasperates the problems of disappearing ocean habitats. Most of the pollution dumped into the ocean over the last thirty years remains today, and garbage dumping often occurs when sewage pipes share space with stormwater drains. Rain causes sewage pipes to overflow into water resources like lakes, rivers, and streams that inevitably lead to the ocean.

Small amounts of contamination add up to a big problem. To bring this gift to life, all citizens must participate in the solution. Oil spills, toxic waste, and illegal dumping are major contributors to the spread of this disease. Every time pollution enters the ocean, environmental damage occurs. It’s too late? Has the use of harmful products like chemical pesticides, harsh detergents and cleaning agents, batteries and plastics ruined our oceans and virtually wiped out the future?

Environmental organizations like Touch Tanks for Kids, Blue Ocean, Island Dolphin Care, and Greenville Eco Family believe that the oceans can be brought back to life if people are motivated to come together and get people to make responsible environmental choices. These groups use interactive activities to motivate students to motivate their communities to take action that improves the health of our oceans.

“With persistence, a positive attitude, and an unwavering passion for improving the terrible conditions of our oceans, my grandchildren will experience a whale watch instead of reading about them in a history book or through some kind of virtual tour.” Mike Martin – Executive Director – Touch Tank for Kids

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