Three kinds of people

What person are you

Those who make things happen …

These are the people who see an opportunity and seize it. They are people of action; they act, and because they act, they are often the target of much criticism from those who have a need to boost their self-esteem. People who take action do not allow negative comments from others to influence their thinking because they are so focused on what needs to be done that what others say gets the attention it deserves.

History is full of examples of those who have reaped the rewards of their actions. Bitcoin is an example; those who invested in bitcoin in the beginning have done extremely well.

People of action make their fortune out of negativity.


When the markets have crashed and negative investors are selling positive things, people will buy bargains in the markets.

Negative people make things happen well; they create opportunities for positive people to profit.

Those who see things happen …

These are the people who want everyone else to be their guinea pig, to try out every new idea that comes up. They watch other people enrich themselves with ideas that they themselves did not get involved with. They are the type of people who don’t know anything unless a book tells them to. An example of these people could be found in England who contracted covid during the vaccine launch, but for one reason or another chose not to get vaccinated.

Procrastination is your problem; They keep procrastinating, which means they are constantly missing out on opportunities to improve their lives. Change scares these people. You know the story. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Those who wondered what happened …

These are the people who don’t want to do anything for themselves. They refuse to learn anything new, be it personal finance, technology, or updating their skill base. These people have no desire to excel and want everything to be delivered to them on a plate. The sad thing about these people is that they want to lower others to their level because it makes them feel better about themselves.

You certainly don’t want to align yourself with these people, as your own self-esteem will suffer.

The bottom line is that if you are in the first group of people, expect to receive a lot of criticism and ridicule from the third group. It is better to spend as much time as possible with like-minded people and not get carried away by trivia that fill the minds of the third group of people.

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