Tips for a more conscious and innovative body language

Successful innovation is fascinating because it combines the best of intelligent thinking with its expression in a way that emotionally “moves” others to action. This combination is often a challenge, as many gifted technical innovators prefer to focus on ideas, software, and devices rather than people. Sales and marketing types like to focus on the customer rather than the mechanics of what they’re selling. Very few seem to balance or manage both equally well. However, for those who do, for example: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Larry Ellison, to name a few successful ones, the rewards can be very rich.

I have had the privilege of working with many organizations in the IT and Telecommunications areas, in terms of their leadership, sales and presentation skills. From that experience, I can say that when technicians relax and are clear about the power and leverage available to consciously communicate using their body language, the magic starts to happen.

I have noticed that for innovators, the most common wake-up call is when they are clear about how much information their bodies express, regardless of whether they are aware of it or not. Too often, a brilliant idea never makes it off the PowerPoint slide because its delivery annoyed listeners or put them to sleep. The content and delivery of your message must engage and inspire to reach the next step. You may have invented the perfect mousetrap, but if you can’t present it in a way that inspires and engages your listener, who are you really talking to? For example, an interesting thought to ponder is what the world would look like now if Leonardo Da Vinci had inspired himself and others to build some of his inventions while he was alive. Instead, it took 500 years to realize that most of it actually worked. Although he seems to have been a student of self-expression (note Mona Lisa’s smile), could he practice more than he preached?

A critical skill for successful self-expression is more conscious use of our most important communication tool, our own body. Below are some simple tips.

Be. If you insist on stayingin your head“as you speak, count on leaving your listeners behind. Learn to serve them (and ultimately yourself) by dancing here and now with your questions and addressing your concerns. Your knowledge of your topic and how to present it will flourish when you practice it in a way that can be heard, understood and acted upon. The key? To be here, now and serve!

Relax and be open. Can you squeeze more money and ideas into a clenched fist or an open, relaxed palm? Stress shortens your life, calm lengthens it.

The choice is yours.

feel more. The key to being more present is to feel. After all, when is the only time you can feel something more than here and now? So if you feel butterflies in your stomach, pain in your neck, sadness, anger, joy or even fear… Congratulations, you’re still alive! Take a deep, joyous breath and begin to focus your intellect and energy on the efficient delivery of your message.

Inspired. The word inspired It comes from Latin and means “to breathe in spirit”. To make any innovation a reality, you’ll need to inspire yourself and others to action. The easiest way to start is to inhale more air. Watch what happens to the power and credibility of you and your message. We are all essentially wind instruments. Just like a flute or tuba, the more air you use, the more power and feeling you can resonate towards your listener.

React Less/Respond More. React means “act again”, respond means “respond”. The former is an automatic process often triggered by an old, often forgotten pattern of behavior. The second can start with exactly the same stimulus, but with the addition of a little mindful reflection you can respectfully replicate in a way that moves your conversation, and your possibilities, forward toward your innovative goal.

Show respect. As Aikido master Yoshigosaki suggests, “treat your listeners in a way that shows you”,Understand that you don’t understand who they are.What kind of response and support will you receive when you practice treating others with all the wonder and curiosity of a young child?

Could this higher level of respect inspire the perception and finances to further their cause?

Appreciate all contributions. You may think what was said was the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard, especially with its reference to his brilliant innovation. However, what if that’s the best answer the speaker could currently muster? What if he/she is looking for support and guidance from him to understand his message enough to write him a big check?

The more you practice and incorporate these body language fundamentals, the more you’ll be able to express, implement, and even monetize your big ideas.

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