Torque converter compared to centrifugal clutch

Especially when you want to build a wakeboard winch on your own, understanding what equipment you have to use and how it works is mandatory. That said, there are always different ways of looking at things. Depending on what you want to get out of your winch, you need to think about what type of clutch to use.

Buying the correct docking device is one of the biggest concerns for most people. Torque Converter gives you more possibilities, that’s for sure. But the centrifugal clutch is comparatively cheaper. I bring light to the darkness by explaining how those components work and how they will improve your winch. If you want to make a final decision keep reading.

What is a centrifugal clutch (CC)?

Centrifugal clutches are 10-12 tooth gears that have a key hole for their motor.

Is that how it works

The centrifugal clutch works like a transposed drum brake, considering the engine is idling at a certain RPM, the clutch disengages and the sprocket does not rotate. As the transmission system increases RPM, the clutch throws out its heavy arms, causing the internals to grab and therefore start to spin and drive the winch.

What is the immense importance in the search for the right centrifugal clutch?

At the end of the day, this is a matter of personal choice. You certainly need one that fits your motor shaft and has the proper toothed gear. If you are using #40 / #41 / #42 chains, you only have a 10 tooth clutch. When using 11 or 12 tooth clutches, use a #35 chain only.

What is a torque converter?

A torque converter is a two-part unit with an odd clutch and pulley designed to act as an automatic transmission for your engine. The clutch resembles the centrifugal clutch where it engages and disengages at numerous RPMs. But as it engages, the clutch pulls on the belt creating a “low gear” like a car. As RPMs increase, the belt begins to move outward, maintaining torque.

What different types of clutches are most used for winches?

Depending on your wakeboard winch needs, you need to decide which clutch you want to use. For lower force applications, like snowboarding, a centrifugal clutch will be fine. That is the cheapest solution. For more power, like water starts and obstacles, you’ll most likely go for the torque converter.

What type should be bought?

To start having the most fun with your wakeboard winch, opt for the Torque converter. The actual comfort and items are worth the extra money spent. Deep water starts are no problem. By using a centrifugal clutch you are mostly just for honest pull driving and you won’t be able to make a water starting point without sacrificing the component.

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