Vitamin B Complex: What Are Those B Vitamins And Why Is Your Body Desperate For Them?

The vitamin B complex is an essential group of eight vitamins that are needed for the proper function of cells in the body.

Being essential, the vitamin cannot be produced by the body and therefore must be taken from external sources. Deficiency of this type of vitamin can cause serious conditions that can hinder the proper functioning of life. In these modern times, people easily take a couple of pills to meet their nutritional needs, but this is not always a sure thing. It’s best to take in nutrients the way nature intended: through food.

Here is an overview of foods rich in B vitamins, according to each subtype of the vitamin group:

Vitamin B1 or Thiamin (needed for nerve health and proper release of stored food energy) such as beans, egg yolks, shellfish, pork, beef liver, wheat bran, peanuts, and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin (helps the body use energy from food; transports iron throughout the body). It is found in yogurt, whole grains, legumes, fish, vegetables (green leafy), lean meat, milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, and organ meats.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin (promotes skin health along with over 50 body processes), found in fish, green leafy vegetables, milk, seeds, asparagus, legumes, grains, liver, meat, organ meats, peanut yeast, walnuts, rabbit, poultry and coffee.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid (maintains healthy hair; used in protein metabolism, aids in nerve function, and maintains healthy red blood cells), found in whole wheat, whole rye, torula yeast, saltwater fish, royal jelly, pork, nuts, mushrooms, liver, legumes, kidneys. , vegetables, eggs, brewer’s yeast and beef.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine (helps relieve PMS, used in protein metabolism), found in walnuts, wheat germ, peas, kidneys, liver, fish, carrots, chicken, eggs and brewer’s yeast.

Vitamin B7 or Biotin (also known as vitamin H, necessary for the use of glucose and fatty acids; helps maintain healthy hair and skin), found in nuts, brewer’s yeast, spinach, salmon, chicken breast, mushrooms, eggs, cauliflower, beef liver and cheese.

Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid (helps in the production of red blood cells, prevents birth defects such as cleft palate and spina bifida), found in liver, whole grains, beans, starchy vegetables, fruits, broccoli, and spinach.

Vitamin B12 or Coal Mine (used in nerve cell communication, helps form red blood cells), found in milk, fish, cheese, eggs, shellfish, muscle meat, organ meats, and liver.

There are many foods rich in B vitamins and it is advisable to take advantage of them. Not only do they provide people with good amounts of nutrients, but they are also more enjoyable than taking supplements.

However, for most US citizens, the daily standard American diet does not provide you with the vitamins you need every day for good health, so supplements are the way to go to ensure you get what you need. you need for longevity and health.

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