What type of garbage disposal is suitable for your kitchen?

While the first garbage disposal was invented in 1927, it wasn’t offered to the general public until 1940. However, it wasn’t until the mid-1970s that this kitchen appliance became popular in American homes. There are three basic types and each provides the same end result.

Continuous Feed Models

This is the most common model found in homes today. Simply turn on the water, turn on the machines, add the waste and the machine does the rest. Once the debris is gone, turn off the machine and turn off the water. The switch for this appliance is usually located in the sink or on the wall. There is a button at the bottom of the machine that can help clear a jam. This type of disposal is inexpensive and relatively easy to install.

Batch Feed Models

This model works a little differently. First, add the waste and water. Then place the lid over the opening. Once the cover is installed correctly, the garbage disposal will begin to work. Remove the cap and the waste stops. This is a good option in homes with young children, as the machine cannot be accidentally turned on.

Septic Tank Models

If your home has a septic tank system, this may be a good option to prevent septic problems later on. It’s basically a continuous feed system, but there are replaceable cartridges that are used with the disposer. These contain enzymes to break down waste. Cartridges need to be replaced approximately every three to six months.

Tips for using your disposer

There are several foods that should never be thrown away. These include fibrous foods, such as artichokes and celery. Fibers can wrap around the blades and cause a jam. Seeds from popcorn, apples, peaches, and the like can damage the blades and cause the machine to stop working. Starchy foods like potato skins can build up on the blades, making them less effective. This buildup is also due to the use of hot water in the system instead of cold water. Fats and grease will not only coat the blades, but can also build up inside plumbing pipes.

You can sharpen the blades of a garbage disposal by putting ice cubes or eggshells in it. Over time, there can be some pretty unpleasant odors that emanate from the machines. A half cup of baking soda and a little water can help, as can a handful of citrus peels. You should avoid throwing any type of drain cleaner in the trash, as this can cause the blades to rust.


Installation of a garage shredder should only be done by a professional. There are not only plumbing issues, but also electrical considerations. A professional can easily install your new disposer and make sure it works properly.

one final thought

It is estimated that ten to twenty percent of all household waste is kitchen waste. The garbage disposal will reduce the amount of waste in the landfill and will often eliminate unpleasant kitchen odors. Today, more than fifty percent of all homes in the United States have a provision and many people would simply be lost without it.

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