When Counseling Fails

So there I was, standing on the sidewalk, shaking from the inside out, having a meltdown for the first time in my life, when I heard a voice inside me say, “If you don’t get rid of this client right now, you’re going to be dead within three months.

I ended the relationship immediately and three months later, I was taken by ambulance to a hospital emergency room. She had finally, completely and deliberately destroyed my health.

Starting from the beginning, for twenty years, I had heard this same voice inside my head telling me not to accept this woman as my client, but this woman’s argument was that she was already working with someone she knew, and she needed the same type. counseling and health program, so against my better judgment, I accepted her as a client of hers.

We start with the most important problems. She was an inverted liar, lacking in integrity; she was also a drama queen and a fraud, and she expected everyone to take care of all her financial needs, even if she didn’t have a relationship with them. On top of that, she had a deep need for an audience because she was the greatest hypochondriac and actress she had ever met, making it all a tragedy to be able to play the victim.

At first, I talked to her about her cold streak and lack of interest in people and she agreed that she does have a cold streak and doesn’t care about people. It’s like she has an off button. Also, there is no regret that she doesn’t care about her clients but, being the actress that she is, she pretends to care about them. It was also evident that the only one she cares about is herself.

From the beginning, he told me that he wanted to be the center of my universe and I told him that my family is the center of my universe. He also told me that he wanted my talent because I have the ability to see people’s bodies and heal them, physically and emotionally. She doesn’t have that ability; very few people do and I have always used this gift for the betterment of humanity.

Over the years, she would call me about her clients and I would always help her by tuning in to them, but when she told me about some of the things she was doing with them, I warned her not to deal with their health problems because I didn’t. does. they have the ability to see into her bodies and I tried to make her understand that she is putting her clients and herself at risk. Actually, I saved her from making huge mistakes over and over again over the years.

One day he called me and told me that he had just told a woman not to worry, that she would be fine. When I tuned in to this woman, I told my client to call her immediately because this woman was bleeding internally and unless she received immediate medical attention, she was going to die. And, that is exactly what happened. When the woman was taken to the ER, she was bleeding internally and she would have died if she had believed my client that she had told her not to worry about her, that she would be fine. My client made this woman think that she had saved her life.

This went on and on, repeatedly over the twenty years I worked with her, always getting her out of trouble and seeing that she really didn’t care about her clients; she just wanted to be able to do what I can do. And, during all these years, she told me how much she was learning from me.

I never realized, until the end, that she hadn’t learned anything from me; she had only copied my behavior by learning what compassion and caring looked like so she could pretend to be compassionate and caring.

To this day, she has never had a friend because she never saw me interact with my family and friends, so she couldn’t copy my “friendship” behavior. But it was seeing me tune in to people’s health problems and fix them that she learned to pretend she knows what’s going on with her health. I just hope he doesn’t kill someone one of these days.

He had always told me that he didn’t want me to use my gift to help other people; she wanted to be the only recipient of him. But, not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that she would deliberately destroy my health so that she couldn’t help anyone else.

When I told her that her negativity was causing my health to be negatively affected, she deliberately increased her negativity, complaining about everything with every phone call. When I told him that I no longer wanted to deal with his health problems and that his health was fine, he kept pushing my limits and calling me almost every day, sometimes six times a day, to complain about something.

She would say, “I haven’t eaten anything. I haven’t had breakfast. I haven’t had a bowel movement. I have whatever (fill in the blanks)” over and over in spite of me. telling him not to do these things and that he was hurting me because my body was getting weak from all the negativity I was putting myself through. She was always pushing my limits and during those twenty years, every time she took advantage of me and kept ignoring my limits, I kept ignoring her voice inside me telling me to get rid of her.

No matter what he had, it was never enough and he was never happy. Of all the people I know, she had the most reason to be happy, but she wasn’t. If someone had more Internet viewers than she did, I was envious of that person, and I was especially envious of my clients, none of whom I had ever met.

It didn’t matter if she knew someone, if they seemed to be more successful than her, she was envious of them and competed with people she would never meet. I had to keep reminding her that I wasn’t in competition with her, but apparently, she kept trying to compete with me even though I wasn’t in competition with her.

For the first ten years, she made it seem like she was an orphan, saying things like, “You, at least have a family.” Actually, she had lived at home for the first thirty years of her life and she had very devoted parents.

Her need for an audience was so great that no matter how many people watched her on the internet, it was never enough. No matter how much money she had, it was never enough. Nothing will ever be enough for her and she will never be happy and she will always be jealous and possessive.

I put everything I had into helping her, but today she’s as fake as a three dollar bill as she was when I met her. To this day, she will smile and act like she cares about people but, by her own admission, she doesn’t care about anyone. She is totally disconnected from humanity, although you would never know it by looking at her or listening to her.

This is what counseling failure looks like. I didn’t accomplish anything with her except give her the tools to make her look like a victim to her so that she could get a large internet audience to feel sorry for her.

And now I have neither the health nor the concentration to work with my clients. I can’t concentrate enough to extract the information from the universe that is necessary to help you. You must be delighted to know that you got what you’ve been wanting these last twenty years; my health is now completely destroyed, so I haven’t been able to help the people who would have benefited from it.

In addition to wasting twenty years of my life trying to help this client, I have now seen what it looks like when his counseling techniques have totally and utterly failed.

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