Youth leaders dress for success – 7 tips

When appearance matters, how you look matters. First impressions are very important, so dressing for success cannot be underestimated. Clothes make a statement! Therefore, this article covers tips that will help teens and young adults project a professional image and maintain their uniqueness.

7 tips

Avoid inappropriate clothing.

What is inappropriate? Anything that is too tight, too short, low-cut, revealing, sagging, or baggy is inappropriate. All of the above sends the wrong message. A leader is always under the microscope; someone is always watching.

Build on the basics.

First of all, young ladies need at least one dress. Yes, dresses are still in fashion. Second, girls need at least two skirts and two blouses; white is not only classic, it is a must. By the way, if your dress or skirt isn’t lined, invest in a slip. Third, find a jacket that can be worn with a skirt or pants.

Even a tailored denim jacket can be worn with dress pants or khakis. Fourth, girls should buy at least two pairs of dress shoes, flats, and heels. Finally, jeans are fine as long as they’re clean, pressed, and fit well. Unless you’re working for a sports organization, avoid tennis shoes.

Young men, on the other hand, need at least one suit, two shirts, two ties, and a good pair of dress shoes. Occasions will arise when you need to attend a special event. As for daily attire, a pair of khaki pants, a shirt, and casual shoes will work.

Where can you find these items? If you’re short on cash, visit a local thrift store.

Complement with pleasure.

Less is more. That said, avoid big, bulky, flashy jewelry. On the other hand, a pearl necklace is elegant and essential. Think twice before getting your lips, nose and eyes pierced. If they’re already pierced, remove all jewelry before going in for an interview unless you’re applying at the tattoo shop.

Wear clothes that fit your body type.

There is nothing worse than seeing a cute outfit on the wrong person. If you’re not sure what works best for you, seek the help of a fashion consultant. While you’re at it, take your measurements and find out which colors complement your complexion. Once you figure out what fits your frame, stick with it.

Make sure your clothes are presentable.

Leaders don’t seem like they just got out of bed. So make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. If you have never ironed, now is the time to learn.

Keep hairstyles conservative.

Stay away from flashy colors and wild hairstyles. Braids, locks and natural looks must be kept in good condition. A fresh haircut for a young man works wonders.

Try to avoid tattoos.

Tattoos tend to send the wrong message. However, if your goal is to lead a biker gang, it doesn’t really matter.

Finally, the youth leaders exude confidence and their style of dress says it all. Make the right statement by looking like the leader in charge. Remember, you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.

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