5 keys to living a golden life

Life should not be lived only by the existence of the mother. Most people are sleepwalkers their entire lives. That means they are unaware of their core values ​​and just live day to day reacting to whatever comes their way. We have all done this at some point in our lives. Some people get a revelation and wake up to a wonderful existence, while others continue to live a life of drudgery, thinking that’s the right thing to do. The good news is that we can all live a golden life simply by expanding our awareness and changing a few things in our lives. These are some of the key elements you need to have a golden life.

1. take time for life

Life is something beautiful that you have to appreciate every second. We must take some time to smell
the roses, as they say. We live extremely busy and hectic lives that can cause us to fall into
overwhelm. We must take a sanity break, yes that’s the word (aka mental health).
pause). Do something you like, be spontaneous. Take a weekend getaway or even a
night in a hotel and do everything possible. You can even organize a meeting with some friends, especially those

It’s been a long time since you linked. Take time for your life to improve the quality of your life.

2. Spiritual connection

We cannot survive without a strong spiritual foundation. Some people may say that they are surviving just fine without it. It may seem that way on the surface, but deep down you know you are empty and always looking for that unknown thing to fill the void. We are all spiritual beings, made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, it is natural that we should be connected with our Creator. The key is to maintain that connection through daily prayer and meditation. This practice centers your life and gives you the peace you need for a golden life.

3. Positive life

Positive living actually involves the first two steps. In addition to those steps, we must live in gratitude. This simply means that we are thankful for everything in our life. Yes, even what seems to be a bad thing. This brings me to our thoughts. Our thoughts create how things happen in our lives. So positive thinking and a positive attitude will create a positive life. There is a saying that goes: “It’s not the situation we find ourselves in that matters, it’s the way we handle it.” A good technique that I have instituted with my clients is the ‘Gratitude Journal’. This is a journal that you write every day indicating the things you are grateful for each day. You can even go a step further and write some down in the morning when you wake up and then at night for what happened during the day. Over time, you’ll notice the difference in the way you see things and how wonderful your life seems to be, even when the world around you is falling apart.

4. Live your values

I cannot stress enough the importance of this step. Your values ​​are the core things that are most important to you in life. They are things that if you live for them your life would be successful and golden. You know that when you’re not living your values, you’re essentially existing and living according to someone else’s values. You end up doing things because it looks good on other people and you keep up appearances. This requires a lot of wasted energy. While you are doing this, you are screaming inside and you don’t know how to get out of the ride that never stops. Did you know? You may need help getting on the path to realizing your values, which is where a life coach can come in. However, once you live your values, you will find that there is power in a values-driven life.

5. Relaxation

This is my favorite step, you can never get too relaxed in my book. This can also play a role in taking time for life. Schedule at least one day a week to be alone with yourself and reflect. Then, there is the ultimate relaxation, according to me, a spa day. At least one per month or every quarter if you can wait that long. If not all day, do a massage, which will definitely relax you. I can’t tell you how good it makes you feel. That reminds me of when I was in China. The prices were so cheap there for spa services, they did one for me every day for the whole time I was there, heaven on earth, it felt like it. You can tell that pampering yourself is the way to go. So you can even spend about fifteen minutes each day to sit quietly and relax and let your imagination take you to your favorite place. You choose what time of day will work best for you. Once you start to learn to relax and really relax, you will find that things flow much more smoothly.

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