Death of the red-haired stepson

Have you heard the expression “beat like a redheaded stepson”? There is no doubt that this expression has a clear and strong derogatory meaning. The negative reference to the stepson is based on the idea that the stepson tends to be abused compared to the biological children. You would punish a stepchild more severely than your other children because you care more about your own child. Do you remember the story of Cinderella? But why redheads? Why not blondes, brunettes or pink or purple considering today’s hairstyles?

Theories of the origin of the red-haired stepson


Red-haired children were the result of the Viking invasions of Britain and Ireland in the 11th century. In the course of rape and looting, the Vikings left behind a few red-haired children. The children’s red hair made them stand out from the crowd. Due to their Viking heritage, red-haired children were subjected to mistreatment by their parents and discrimination by the rest of the population.


The phrase “redheaded stepson” actually started out as “redheaded black.” He was referring to the frequently red-haired mulatto (mestizo) slave children on plantations as a result of slave owners having sexual relations with slaves.

Little Orphan Annie – A red-haired stepson

The phrase originated with the musical Annie. Redhead Annie would be beaten by her stepmother with her hairbrush.


The phrase “red-haired stepchild” originated in the early 19th century when Irish emigrants began arriving in the United States. The newly arrived Irish were ranked somewhere below free blacks in the social strata and lived in segregated communities. Prejudice against the Irish was so severe that signs in front of restaurants, bars, or hotels used to say, “No Dogs, No Irish.” As young people sometimes do, young Irish men had premarital sex. This resulted in children out of wedlock with Irish red hair. When these young women were eventually married, usually to a young man who was not of Irish descent, the new husband was not particularly patient or compassionate with the red-haired stepson and treated them harshly.

Some facts about redheads

  • Throughout history, redheads have been mistrusted and maligned.
  • In ancient Egypt, red hair was considered so unlucky that red-haired girls were burned alive.
  • In medieval Europe, the infamous witch hunting manual, “Malleus Maleficarum”, instructed that red hair, green eyes, and freckles were marks of a witch. This idea could stem from the general belief that redheads were mean, lascivious, and short-tempered.
  • Redheads make up 4% of the European population.
  • Scotland has the highest percentage.
  • Ireland has the second highest percentage.
  • In the United States, redheads make up 2-6% of the population.
  • Largest population of redheads in the world: 6 -18 million.
  • Redheads have influenced history out of proportion to their numbers. Famous redheads include the Roman Emperor Nero, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, the ancient god of love Aphrodite, Queen Elizabeth I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Oliver Cromwell, Emily Dickinson, Antonio Vivaldi, Thomas Jefferson, Vincent Van Gogh, Mark Twain, James Joyce, Winston. Churchill, Malcolm X, Galileo and King David.
  • Natural redheads have a higher pain threshold than others; they can withstand 25% more electric shocks.
  • Red hair is a recessive trait. A child must inherit one gene for red hair from each parent. Recessive traits often come in pairs; redheads are more likely than other people to be left-handed.
  • Red hair does not turn gray as much as other hair colors. Red hair initially tends to turn blonde and then white.

final thoughts

Initially, it was going to reveal the correct theory behind the origin of the expression, but what difference would it make? Would it make using the expression less offensive and insulting? Expressions like these are based on false generalizations that are rooted in fear. They should not have a place in our language. Having red hair is the result of genetics, nothing more and nothing less. Treating a child harshly because he is not biologically yours or because he has red hair is also wrong. Continuing to use the expression in any context perpetuates the lie.

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