How to translate your baby’s tears

The special bond between a mother and child needs no introduction, as it has always mesmerized the human race for centuries with its incredible elements. Especially when the child is a baby, without having learned verbal communication or when the baby is a newborn without even signs and gestures; mothers still understand the needs of their babies and mother nature has absorbed that inherent communication in both.

A young child may have various requirements, such as hunger, sleepiness, irritability due to wet diapers, colicky pains, a feeling of security, an airy stomach, etc. Since at this age they do not learn to excite their requirements, it is essential to make an extra effort for mothers to decipher them. Especially in the first four weeks of a baby’s life, it is even more chaotic as it is the beginning of a communication in a lasting relationship. New mothers and fathers may worry when their baby cries without knowing the specific reason behind it. However, it is important to understand that crying is the only means of communication for babies and they cry for better and for worse. Although it seems ridiculous, babies cry even if it is not a worrying situation.

In fact, crying is seen by medical professionals as a neurological phase that babies go through. The crying period of the baby at the peak is usually between 4 and 8 weeks and gradually decreases towards the end of the year, that is, around 12 weeks. Until then, it is nothing short of a feat for a new mother to understand the types of crying and tips to appease the child according to his needs. Isn’t it surprising to learn that babies cry to attract parents’ attention? They expect a response from the mother, and can we stop responding when tiny souls demand attention? Well it’s hard to ignore and it doesn’t make sense !!

The first impression a parent receives when the baby cries is of hunger. But it may not necessarily be that. Initially, the caregiver can feed the baby, complete the burping task, change the diaper, put it to sleep, carry it on the lap, etc. on a trial and error basis. It should be one of these reasons. If the baby calms down, you should be appreciated for decoding it correctly. If not, try the following.

Decipher the tears:

Sing a lullaby while babies are not sleeping alone, even if they are sleepy. Some babies want to be put to sleep. And we have to follow their order because of the kind of adorable creatures they are.

They can be comforted with a rocking action in the crib or rocking chair or in the arms of the parents. This probably makes them feel like they are being cared for.

· A good lukewarm bath can soothe your baby if he is fussy. Many babies enjoy bathing, while few are afraid. If so, try another trick!

· Many babies stop crying instantly when offered a pacifier.

· Take your baby for a walk. They explore the world more than we think. Help them in their exploration. If walking doesn’t follow you, try driving instead.

Try the soccer grip, with his body on your arm. They love this gesture and sometimes this works magically.

If any of these tricks have worked, congratulations !! If the baby continues to cry, it does not mean that he has failed as a parent. Try to get more and more creative by approaching your baby while offering comfort. Surely one or the other works !!

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