Toy Story 3 Birthday Party Ideas

One of the biggest and best reviewed movies of 2010 is Toy Story 3. This movie, which continues the adventures of Woody and Buzz, is making a lot of money and getting a lot of exposure due to its excellent story. For the past 15 years, kids have been enamored with the Toy Story characters and the new movie that won’t change. As a parent, you’ll want to be prepared for Toy Story 3-themed birthday parties. With these party ideas, you can throw a great birthday party for your kids.

fishing toys

The first thing you can do is have all the toys in a bin behind a sheet. Then, with one adult sitting next to the bin and another leading the children, each child can put their fishing pole on the sheet and try to catch some toys. One parent will attach a toy to the line and pull it, and the child can reel the toy in to see what’s on it.

Cowboy hats and wings

Depending on who the kids like best, you can have the kids decorate plastic cowboy hats or decorate cardboard wings. If they want to be Woody, then the cowboy hats will be what they want, while Buzz fans will go for the wings. Both are attached with a simple rope to the kids and are something kids can wear all day.

make jeans

With some construction paper, small metal o-rings from the dollar store, and some crayons, you can help kids make their own paper jeans. These are really simple to make, with each circular metal joint serving as a gasket on the jean. Most dollar stores have the hole punch gun for attaching the circular joints to the paper, and the kids will have a blast making their own jeans.

Toy Story 3 is a big movie in 2010 and there are millions of kids who are falling in love with Buzz and the gang like their own parents did 15 years ago. Naturally, this means you may need to start planning a Toy Story 3-themed birthday party, but with these ideas, things won’t be too difficult.

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